[Feature] Profile Switching from Menubar [Creator]
Would be great to be able to switch profiles from the menubar. I have some additional Lightroom profiles set up that I don't expect to use enough to justify wasting the Core module buttons on, but being able to switch from the menubar would be significantly more convenient than going to the app.
Michael C I have a work around.
If you install an app that can send keypresses to apps in the background (like BetterTouchTool or Keyboard Maestro), you can fire the key command for 'Next Profile' to Monogram Creator (Ctrl+Tab).
So for example, when I press CMD+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW, Monogram switches to the next profile, without needing to waste the two core buttons.
I agree with the problem, but maybe there’s a more general way to allow profile switching, for those that don’t use the menu bar?
For example if opening a profile outside the app, switched to that profile, rather than opening it again.
Then you could switch from the dock, or from the menubar with MacOS shortcuts, or from an app launcher like Alfred
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