Managed computers and administrator permissions
AnsweredI use a Monogram console in my role at a large institution where all computers are centrally managed.
Every time I launch Monogram I am prompted for administrator permissions (three times in a row); this is the case even with all Monogram updates installed.
I just close the administrator login windows and proceed to work with Monogram, but I don't know if I'm missing features in Monogram because I'm not providing this permission every time I use it. Does anybody else experience this issue, or have any insight into it? It seems strange to have an app that requires administrator permission every single time it launches. As an aside, getting administrator permission means being on hold with my org's IT unit for 45-60 minutes every time.
Are your systems re-imaged upon boot?
Creator requests admin permissions in order to install the necessary plugin and extension files that enable all integrations. This should only happen after an install or update, not each time you start up.
Without knowing more about the specific setup at hand, my guess is that your system is being re-imaged or reset to a recovery point every time it boots up, which would wipe out the Monogram integrations and require them to be re-installed.
Every managed environment is a bit different. If you can connect us with your sysadmin over email, we can share the various directories in which all the Monogram files live and, hopefully, give them the info required to resolve this. It likely does need to be resolved on the institution/system management side, though.
My pleasure! Here's our support contact page, or they can also use — either option goes to the same place for us. Will look forward to speaking with you and your colleagues in IT.
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