MIDI CC Absolute vs Relative settings
AnsweredIt would be great if we can set the min and max for absolute values using the rotary encoder, also when selecting relative, it would be great to be able to set the value sent when the enoder is turned left or right.
As a side note, in the manual code entry, there is no difference between absolute and relative. More control would be great.
Official comment
Hey Michael, great request.
Just so I'm understanding correctly, you'd like to see a min/max range for Absolute-type CC values, for example 0-63 instead of 0-127? And you'd like to see definable values for Relative-type CC values, for example 2 when turned right and 126 when turned left instead of 1, 127?
RE: the manual entry code—switching from Absolute to Relative should change the dial action from Pose to Turn. Pose is an absolute-position mapping whereas Turn is the standard relative/endless encoder behaviour.
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Hey Andy, you're awesome, thanks for getting back.
1. Yes, basically be able to assign min and max numbers for each CC knob: 20-100 or 1-64 as you said. For the relatives, it would be able to say on left turn post a 64 and on right turn post a 66 or vice versa, on left post 70 and right post 50. (I wanted to also add that reverse directions even in the absolute mode would also be cool, gives a lot of possibility for those applications that don't offer more advanced settings)
2. Thank you for pointing that out. I guess I didn't pay attention to the set name. I'm not sure if you answered this already but is there a reference document for all the manual entry items. I can totally work with that if it has what I need.
Excellent, appreciate the extra detail here.
In terms of reference for manual entry, it basically follows everything in the presets section of our SDK on a 1:1 basis. Check this page for reference: https://docs.monogramcc.com/api/presets
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