MIDI CC Absolute vs Relative settings




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    Shipping & Sales

    Hey Michael, great request.

    Just so I'm understanding correctly, you'd like to see a min/max range for Absolute-type CC values, for example 0-63 instead of 0-127? And you'd like to see definable values for Relative-type CC values, for example 2 when turned right and 126 when turned left instead of 1, 127?

    RE: the manual entry code—switching from Absolute to Relative should change the dial action from Pose to Turn. Pose is an absolute-position mapping whereas Turn is the standard relative/endless encoder behaviour.

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    Michael Ner

    Hey Andy, you're awesome, thanks for getting back.

    1. Yes, basically be able to assign min and max numbers for each CC knob: 20-100 or 1-64 as you said. For the relatives, it would be able to say on left turn post a 64 and on right turn post a 66 or vice versa, on left post 70 and right post 50. (I wanted to also add that reverse directions even in the absolute mode would also be cool, gives a lot of possibility for those applications that don't offer more advanced settings)

    2. Thank you for pointing that out. I guess I didn't pay attention to the set name. I'm not sure if you answered this already but is there a reference document for all the manual entry items. I can totally work with that if it has what I need.

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    Shipping & Sales

    Excellent, appreciate the extra detail here.

    In terms of reference for manual entry, it basically follows everything in the presets section of our SDK on a 1:1 basis. Check this page for reference: https://docs.monogramcc.com/api/presets

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    Michael Ner

    Thanks Andy, I'll check it out, if I find anything else I think would be useful but missing I'll follow up.

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