how can i connect to premiere pro 2022




  • Official comment
    Shipping & Sales

    Hey guys, sorry for the trouble! I believe we can fix this through the following steps:

    1. Close Premiere Pro and open Monogram Creator; select your Pr profile
    2. Locate the plugin icon at the bottom right corner—it should be orange or grey. Click on it.
    3. Select option 3: re-install Adobe Extension, and supply your password if prompted—this re-installs the extension
    4. Open Premiere Pro, and go to Preferences > Control Surface. Make sure Monogram is selected, or click "Add" to add it to the list if it isn't.

    At this point your Premiere Pro controls should connect within ~15 seconds.

    If the above isn't helpful, please reach out to with a screenshot of what you're seeing in the Extensions and Control Surface menus; we can help further as needed.

    Last thing: Antonio, the word MACKIE in the control surface menu refers to the Mackie Control Universal protocol, which some other control surfaces besides Monogram use. This can be safely ignored.

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    Antonio Abrego

    Hey David, 

       I am having issues too. I can connect to everything else but premiere. 

    and also running into a word MACKIE in control surface. Still does not work. 

    I have tried everything on the trouble shoot with no luck.

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    Antonio Abrego

    Thanks for the quick reply Shipping & Sales  .I am having no luck on my end. I have tried everything and I just cant get Monogram to show up on Premiere. 

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    Shipping & Sales

    Antonio Abrego really sorry to hear. I'm reaching out privately via email to get your logs and such, that'll help a ton in diagnosing and fixing the issue.

    Same goes for anyone else who may have the same problem — please email in so we can exchange logs and system info.

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    Satchel Levin

    Im having same issue.... Pretty bummed as I have the whole weekend to crank out an edit, was looking forward to using this tool. I sent email to support team as well..

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    Emanuele D'Elia

    I am also having the same issue

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