Shortcut directly to specific Profile




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    Shipping & Sales

    You're not missing anything obvious. This is a great request; I've logged it.

    I'll follow up here if there's a workaround available until a feature gets added.

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    Stephen Wood

    This would be amazing. I've become accustomed to this sort of functionality with my keyboard, which uses the QMK firmware for layer (profile) switching. I don't think all of their profile switching schemes are necessarily beneficial in the context of Monogram, but one that additionally seems useful is called Momentary Toggle. It activates the desired profile on button down and the previous profile on button up.

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    Lucas Bittini
    I have Streamdeck with the midi plugin.

    If I can assign to each monogram profile change when receiving a CC
    with the stream deck plugin I could switch profiles. Another option is to know if an applescript can call the different profiles. I haven't gotten it to work.

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    Lucas Bittini

    nothing after 1 year? Why hasn't the profile changed with the stream deck yet?

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    We can now do this with Monogram controls

    "press": {
    "input": "goto_JsFu84_QA9Z9ReJg2kKVw"

    Monogram Support It would be amazing if we could just trigger this with a URL scheme, containing the same string


    That way it could be triggered by Stream Deck, Keyboard Maestro, MIDI controllers, and all sorts. (In my case I'd like to change profiles when I change screen layouts, or open a certain plug-in in Logic)

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    Lucas Bittini
    Let's go team monogram. :)
    The Integration with Stream Deck is required.
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