Support For Rebelle 4 and Digital Painting




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    Hey Matt, no firsthand experience working with Rebelle 4, but I had a look at what controls are available via hotkeys since that's a very simple way to set up Monogram with basically any application. Hotkeys can be assigned to Monogram keys, dials, and the outer ring of the Orbiter module.

    Since there are shortcuts for increasing and decreasing brush size, opacity, water, and pressure, you could control all of these using Monogram dials or the Orbiter ring. As you turn a dial, for example, it would continuously trigger the shortcut to increase or decrease the brush size. How quickly this adjustment takes place is also adjustable, via the dial sensitivity control.

    There are also shortcuts for other controls like choosing layers, zooming and rotating the canvas, and selecting tools. Any of these could, likewise, be assigned to keys or dials.

    The full list is on pages 114 to 120 here — anything here is controllable with Monogram hardware.

    Last thing: If there are controls you don't see listed here, it may be worth asking the developers of Rebelle (Escape Motions) to consider a direct integration with Monogram. We have an SDK they can use to gain direct integration quite easily, especially if there's already support for tablets or other hardware.

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    Matt Lamothe

    Thanks Andy,

    This is perfect, happy to hear you can adjust sensitivity of response in the dials. Is there a good video or review of the orbiter ring's functionality? I understand that the center area allows for x and y movement like a joystick, but is it also pressure sensitive in some way?


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    Shipping & Sales

    Hey Matt, that's absolutely correct.

    The outer ring of the Orbiter works just like a large dial! It's an infinite-turn encoder that works just like the dials in that it can send keyboard shortcuts continuously when turned left and right.

    Unfortunately the inner disc doesn't send hotkeys though. This is because hotkeys are, by nature, very binary (key on/key off) while the disc has literally hundreds of levels of pressure sensitivity in every direction. So to take advantage of the Orbiter's inner disc with Rebelle 4, it would require a direct integration or at least for Escape Motions to add joystick support to the app.

    Given all the above, the best option would be a handful of dials and keys to get started, and to log a feature request with Escape Motions for future integration :) 


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    Matt Lamothe

    Thanks again for the excellent info. I will log a request with Escape Motions. In the meantime, is it possible to trigger a hotkey's frequency using the orbiter? For example the harder/further you press right, the more frequently it fires a hotkey. This way if you want to change the hue of a brush by pressing right or left, the speed at which it changes is linked to the amount you toggle in a direction. If you setup another hotkey set for up/down. You could roll the orbiter clock-wise (for example) and change both the hue and saturation of the color in one motion. Would be very handy (for me at least)

    I think for now I'll start with the dials and see if that get's me there. But the hotkey frequency could work for any app.


    Thanks again Andy,


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    Shipping & Sales

    My pleasure! And yes, this is great feedback about using the Orbiter disc with keyboard shortcuts. I wanted to speak to what's possible now—which is that hotkeys aren't assignable to the Orbiter inner disc—but we're looking at ways to extend the Orbiter capabilities and what you mentioned fits with some requests we're tracking already.

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