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    Shipping & Sales

    Hi Terry! First step is to ensure that the Monogram plugin is running inside your active Unreal Engine project. Go to Edit > Plugins; Monogram should be towards the top of the list in the 'Installed Plugins' section. You may have to enable the plugin and restart Unreal Engine if the plugin was previously disabled.

    Next is to ensure that the Unreal integration in Monogram Creator is working properly. Make sure that your Unreal profiles are appearing properly in Creator. Go to File > Preferences > Integrations and make sure there are no invalid integrations shown.

    If the above doesn't help, please get in touch with us over email (choose 'Submit a Request' at the top-right of this page, or email

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    Terry Riegel

    I figured out what I was doing wrong.

    I had two instances of Unreal Editor running and only one can connect at a time to Monogram.

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