4.1.11 Fails to update




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    Lucas Good

    I also had trouble with the update. It did eventually go through the process and it looks like I am on the latest version, but it deleted all my profiles in the process. Luckily I had them backed up, but something definitely seems borked about this update.

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    Good to know. Will wait for the next update then. Thanks

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    Shipping & Sales

    Hey guys, thanks for the report. This is frustrating no doubt. I'd like to offer a tip and investigate further into Lucas's experience specifically.

    RE: Updater Not Working

    In regards to the initial update failing, I believe this happens if the updater selects "Add or remove components". To fix it, restart the update and select "Update components" instead; it should take you through the update successfully.

    Note: If the above doesn't help, please delete the /Applications/Monogram/ (macOS) or %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Monogram\ (Windows) folders, then install fresh from monogramcc.com/download/. Back up your profiles first, but they shouldn't be affected as they're in a different directory (see details below RE: Lucas's concern).

    RE: Profiles Deleted

    Lucas Good I'm very concerned to hear about the profiles being wiped out. From my understanding this shouldn't/can't happen from an update (please know I'm not doubting your firsthand experience here), so it bears investigation as to why it did happen to you.

    The reason this shouldn't happen is that the installer only changes files in /Applications/Monogram/ (macOS) and %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Monogram\ (Windows).

    Your open profiles live in ~/Library/Application Support/Monogram/ (macOS) and %LOCALAPPDATA%\Monogram\ (Windows) — a very different directory and one the installer has no instructions to touch during an install or update.

    With the above in mind, is it possible you have a system cleaning app that uninstalled or cleaned up after the old version? We've seen these clear out profiles as they often clear out the Application Support and Local App Data folders during their auto uninstall/cleanup cycle.

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    I tried both "Add/Remove" and "Update". "Add/Remove" was everything also disabled and it didn't let me choose anything to add or remove. Screenshot I posted is from the "Update" flow.

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    Shipping & Sales

    Interesting. Okay, if you decide to update then follow the instructions in my last message (backup, delete the Monogram folder from program files, install new). I'll log a bug accordingly :)

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    Lucas Good

    I have to admit, I was not thinking much about the update when I did it, so I may have missed some details, but I do know that the first time I tried it, it defaulted to the "Add or Remove components" selection, so it would not let me complete the update. When I went back later and tried again, I caught this and changed it to the "Update components" selection. I recall a warning or popup error at the end of the process, but I didn't think much of it. I thought, I'll just click ok and see what happens. This is when I discovered all my profiles were gone. I re-imported the one I use most frequently and went about my day. The next morning when I booted up, I got an admin popup for Monogram, which I approved, and after the bootup completed, Monogram had all my profiles restored. So again, it's possible that it was user error or a lack of paying attention on my part. Everything seems to be working as expected now. 

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