[Feature] Add sensitivity in custom mode [Dial]




  • Official comment
    Shipping & Sales

    Hi Mantas, this should be working already! Please use the sensitivity picker at the lower-left side of the Dial or Orbiter settings windows.

    Moving from 1 sensitivity setting to the next represents a halving or doubling of events per turn. Over the 5 available levels of sensitivity, that gives you the opportunity to decrease the number of events per turn by a factor of 16 (!!).

    I'd recommend using the lowest or the low-medium sensitivity settings for anything where you're scrolling through a small number of discrete steps/values -- for example, picking a photo, choosing a blend mode, etc.

    I hope this helps!

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    Oh, I'm used to see the slider on the right in main config panel. A bit confusing when same feature is in different places :) Thanks

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