[FEATURE] More granular control in Photoshop. (Brush Settings, Colour Dynamics)




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    I also use LAB colours consistently when I'm painting as this allows me to choose my colours in a more natural way as I'm painting. For example I can easily change my current colour to cooler, warmer more green etc. I'm not able to do get this control with the HSB or RGB controls which seem to be the only options available in the Creator app.

    Is there a way to assign the dials to the individual LAB sliders? 

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    Shipping & Sales

    Hi Bjorn, this is great feedback.

    These are for sure two limitations of the product as it stands now—neither the color dynamics nor LAB color mixing model have dedicated functions. I'm unsure as to whether these are technical limitations on the Photoshop side, or if they're able to be added from our side.

    Both have been logged as feature requests, and our devs will look to see what's possible. If there are any blockers we'll log feature requests with the Adobe PS team in turn.

    May I ask for clarification on one thing: Do you want to affect the brush color dynamics and the LAB color mixing during the course of a single brush stroke, between brush strokes, or both? This may impact how we approach developing these features.


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    Hey Andy. Thanks for the swift response. To answer your question. It would be really impressive if it was responsive enough to update dynamically mid-stroke as well as between strokes as I can see that bringing a whole new level of interactivity to the painting. But I don't think that's a deal breaker. If the only possibility would be to update this between strokes, this would be a great feature to have! I bought the Monogram quite specifically to be able to do this and was a bit bummed to find out it wasn't a possibility.

    BTW I'm able to adjust the LAB sliders by selecting them and having the "Adjust any property" assigned to a dial, but this only works once after selecting the property manually and is quite laggy so not really usable.

    I tried hacking together a script from various sources online that assigns incremental changes to the lab sliders with a keystroke and then assigned that to the left/right turn of the dials. It does work, but it's very laggy and have to wait several seconds for it to update between each turn of the dial, not really usable. I do think for this to be usable the responsiveness needs to be pretty instantaneous.Not sure if the script is any help but I'll attach it here. This increments the A value by 1 every time it's run.

    var foreColor = new SolidColor;







    app.foregroundColor = foreColor;
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    I think a really great user experience would be to be able to engage a 'mapping mode' where you would highlight the property you want to control (the hue slider in photoshop for example), then turn the dial you want to assign the property to. This is how it works in Ableton live with midi inputs and it's super intuitive. Like this https://youtu.be/l0DM9JbkQBA?t=26

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    Shipping & Sales

    Thank you Bjorn, all of this is incredibly helpful.

    For some background from within our team, we are in active development with Photoshop. I can't share specific features or a promise date yet, but the fact is that PS development is being given a lot of attention as we speak.

    I'll take this thoughtful feedback to our dev team. I expect that some of it can be actioned soon, while other pieces (ie Ableton-like mapping) require us to, in turn, make a few feature requests to Adobe for the SDK support that would enable these features.

    I'll try to keep this thread updated with any relevant PS developments but please keep an eye out for news and announcements from us on other channels (ie email, social media, in-app, etc).

    Thanks again,

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    That sounds great! This is really the only thing keeping me back from trying to incorporate this device into my workflow day-to day. I can't tell you how many people have come across my desk and ooh-ed and aah-ed at this thing as I detach and swap the modules around. Just wished I could tell them it worked as well as it looks like it should. Looking forward to the updates! Thanks! - Bjorn

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