Creator update cleared all saved profiles




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    Shipping & Sales

    Hi Sally, thanks for raising this. I'd like to help find out what went wrong. Rest assured that opening these profiles does not overwrite the saved data... as long as there were originally valid profiles that were saved, we can restore them.

    Mind sending an email ( with all your saved profiles attached in a .zip?

    Once we've received the profiles and found the bug, I'll work with our software team so they can address it, and will also post a workaround for anyone else potentially affected here.

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    Shipping & Sales

    An update for anyone else who may have been affected: I think we've found the root cause of this.

    Basically what we believe happened is that the profiles failed to load into Creator when opened from Finder/File Explorer, but the saved files themselves were not affected or blanked.

    This can be worked around by opening the profiles from inside Monogram Creator (see short-term fix below).

    Comments from our software tester:

    Opening profiles from explorer (ie double-click on the profile in finder/file explorer) while the creator app is closed opens the profile as blank, but opening the profile while the creator app is open still functions correctly.

    Short-term fix:

    Please make sure to load any profiles in the following manner: Open Creator and load the profiles in one-by-one using Ctrl/Cmd+O or File > Load Profile

    If a profile loads as blank, please close it and re-load using the above steps.

    Long-term fix:

    This bug is now being addressed by our software team and will be fixed in an upcoming Creator update.

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