[FEATURE] mouse press and hold while rotating or sliding [SW]




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    ... meanwhile, I did some very nice mouse mappings with the Bome Midi translator. The Orbiters are amazing for quick movements with the pad part and then fine-tuning with the rings. (That software is a bit complicated though)

    (main use case apart from the map application - OmniGraffle and similar applications, to grab and move objects in straight lines up and down ).

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    So this forum is abandoned already by Monogram. How disappointing :(

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    Shipping & Sales

    Hey Jonas, thanks for the prompt; I meant to follow up prior to now.

    When you have a chance, can you email me (support@monogramcc.com) with the configuration you're using on Orbiter + Bome? I'd like to use it as a reference for how Orbiter should respond when implemented natively in the Creator software.

    For what it's worth, we have a very similar feature request pending internally :)

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    Hi Andy, my apologies for assuming that you were not reading the formus! This is great news, I have sent you my settings. I hope you have some use for them in making these functions.

    (my map mode setting uses two orbiters and a button module, the fine mouse movement setting uses one (or two) orbiters with one button module)

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    I'd also like this feature (click and drag mouse left/right or up/down) for sliders in applications that can't be scripted.

    In Logic, things in the inspector window are changed with a click and drag. Same for the velocity tool.

    Or for dragging sliders in more basic photo editing applications like Photos or Pixelmator

    I believe you can do this with a nOb controller

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    Jonas Lundberg

    Any progress on this feature? I can tell you all that from my experiments with Xpadder for mouse support, these are amazing as mouse pointer controllers. With native support I assume it would be even better.

    I now tried this, but using the joystic mode + xpadder to covert it into a mouse (including "drag mode" (button-down+mouse move). I can also set one orbiter to x and the other to y, getting really clean right-left / up-down movements.

    Midi ruined the resolution a bit of the amazing orbiters, IMHO. But this really feels great, like a fine mouse replacement. 

    And yes, the n0b controller also does this - but the Orbiters have a completely different feel to them. If you have a PC, do try it out (xpadder is extremely cheap, it has a "spring" mode also to return the cursor to the middle of the screen, which is sometimes useful - I have it added to a button using xpadder, since unfortunately it cannot release the mouse button before springing back).

    How about a really great mouse mode for the Orbiters? 

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