New console crashes constantly




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    Shipping & Sales

    Hey Valentin, sorry for the rough start! This is definitely not normal and we should be able to get it fixed no problem.

    To start, can you make sure your install of Creator and your core firmware are both up to date? Current versions are 4.1.8 and 2.0.14, respectively. You can find this info in the Creator app at Help > Monogram Updates.

    Second, can you let me know which app(s) you're using your console with when this crash happens?

    Finally, create a throwaway profile and try some other assignments besides CC1 and CC11 -- does this happen with other MIDI messages? Other non-MIDI assignments?

    Happy to help further.

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    Shipping & Sales

    Quick follow-up: just saw the email you sent our team. Don't use your Apple Keyboard or an unpowered hub... it's very possible that either of these are starving the console for power. Please connect directly to a USB port before trying the above troubleshooting.

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    Hello Andy, as stated I tried multiple USB ports and the Console is plugged right into the computer by now, no changes whatsoever. Both App and Firmware are up to date as well. I use the Console with Cubase 11 Pro, but the console freezes also when Cubase isn't running as I can see the fader movement in the creator app stops or is lagging massively behind.

    Moving just one fader at a time is no problem whatsoever and also the dials and buttons work seamless. Main reason for me to get the console though was using both faders at the same time. 

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    Shipping & Sales

    Absolutely, there shouldn't be any problem using 2+ sliders simultaneously. This points either to a defect or a conflict of some kind, either of which we can help with.

    This is something we've never seen before with Monogram and requires a bit of investigation. Mind emailing us your logs in our current support thread? Here's how to gather them from your Mac:

    1. Go to Finder and press Shift+Cmd+G
    2. Paste in the following path:  
      ~/Library/Application Support/Monogram/
    3. Copy the "Creator" and "Service" folders into a new zip file, then attach them to your email

    This shares some error logs with our team that can be used to narrow down the cause and find a fix.

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    The Issue seems resolved after installing an Update today. Thank you 

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    Shipping & Sales

    Very glad to hear! For anyone else affected, we pushed out a patch with Creator 4.1.9 that should fix this entirely. Thanks for reporting it, Valentin!

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