Does it work with 3ds max?



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    Shipping & Sales

    Hey Ruairi, this is a great question!

    Likely the quickest way to set up transforms and the like is to use the Motion Capture tool in 3DS Max in order to translate HID Joystick and/or MIDI data into transforms. To accomplish this, you would assign joystick axes or MIDI CCs to your Monogram modules and then follow this guide to assign each axis as a motion controller in 3DS Max.

    If you're not afraid of a little dev work, by far the most flexible option is to use the 3DS Max SDK to make a more full-fledged control surface plugin. This is also something that could also be developed by Autodesk or by a third-party in the 3DS users community.

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    Ruairi Robinson

    Hey Andy, thanks for getting back to me. The motion capture tool is not exactly the ideal interface to create the kind of live interactive feedback that would make it worth using. I'd love to see a fully featured plugin developed but I'm no programmer, I just make monsters and blow ship up! I'd happily beta test if anyone was interested in making one. I love what's happening on the unreal side. 

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