Copy and Paste module settings is a necessity




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    Shipping & Sales

    Hey Mark! My colleague Mikayla will be in touch tomorrow morning RE: the modules dropping—we got your email and have some steps to look into it ASAP.

    And yes, agreed on Copy and Paste. We have it queued for a Creator update; it's overdue.

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    Mark Pierce

    Thanks Andy!

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    Jeff Bova

    Yes Please. Copy/paste between profiles and within a profile copy button setting to button setting. Good for moving complex macros to different buttons without having to duplicate key by key.

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    Mads Maretty Sønderup

    Any status update on the ability to copy and paste? Has it been integrated into the app? If not, any workarounds for e.g. copying a Dial preset from one dial to another? 

    Edit: I found a temporary solution of enabling "Enable debugging of module settings via Manual Entry view" and simply copy and paste the code from one knob to another. However, this is still not a great workflow. 

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    Mark Pierce

    Thanks a ton Mads! This workaround has made an incredible difference in my ability (and willingness) to shuffle around and evolve complex profiles.

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    Mark Pierce Mads Maretty Sønderup

    If you use Keyboard Maestro I made some macros that can automate this for you, in the meantime (copying and pasting the manual pane)

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