Davinci Resolve Basic Controls
Hello all, has anybody figured out how to control the job/scroll movement on the editing timeline in Resolve?
I would like to control the cursor scroll and jog using the Orbitter, but don't see anywhere how to assign this control.
Giving this a bump, because I'd love to hear if there's been any progress in this direction. I understand that Blackmagic has Resolve locked down pretty tightly, and that Keyboard mode is the only way to use Monogram to control the software. That said, Monogram team: are any tricks to Jog/Shuttle/Scroll using the Orbiter, other than setting left and right turn to move in single frame increments using keyboard shortcuts left/right arrow?
Hi all, I'm just starting to work through this. With the Orbiter, it's only possible to assign keyboard keypresses to the outer scroll ring; the center pad doesn't support keyboard emulation right now.
This wastes most of the functionality of the Orbiter, unfortunately.
Instead, I assigned keypresses to one of the dials. Here's what I did:
Under Customize/Turn/Keyboard Mode:
Left Turn = left arrow
Right Turn = right arrow
Enable Software emulation
Under Customize/Press and Turn/Keyboard Mode:
Left Turn = left arrow, enable Shift
Right Turn = right arrow, enable Shift
Under Customize/Press/Keyboard Mode:
This gives precise jog controls by turning the dial, coarse jog controls by pressing and turning the dial, and toggles play/pause by pressing and releasing the dial.
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