[Bug] LEDs won't turn off when monitor goes to sleep
AnsweredMy PC is set up to never sleep, but instead monitor sleeps. Sadly MCC does not and LEDs keep glowing. Especially the core - lights all the small room with a bright app icon.
Let us at least set some manual timeout when LEDs should turn off when MCC is not in use.
Official comment
The module LEDs sleep based on the sleep/wake state of the attached machine. There's no way for Creative Console to detect when your monitor itself is asleep as (I don't believe) the monitor sends sleep/wake messages over its USB ports. This is an inherent limitation/side effect of connecting through an adapter.
In this case, the two solutions are to either connect to your PC and sleep/wake it as needed or, if that's not feasible, to create a Universal profile with all LEDs set to off.
Comment actions -
That's what I wanted to do as a workaround, but still - core itself never turns off and this is my solution for now:
Of course it defeats the whole purpose of custom icons, but no icon is much better than get blinded by the light.
Palette has a timeout for core to go dark. Why not MCC? At least as an option? -
Understood; can appreciate that. Ironically, the Palette screen timeout was a source of a number of complaints... maybe a customizable preference is the way forward? Will share the feedback regardless :)
RE Core LED still glowing: Is the LED set to white or black in Creator? If the latter, please let me know so we can log a bug. If the former, please click on the LED halo itself in Creator to set it as black/off.
RE Display timeout: The Palette core absolutely required a 20 second timeout due to its OLED screen. We went to an IPS LCD with Creative Console which is very resistant to image retention, hence the lack of timeout. I'll share the feedback as above.
Black doesn't glow. I was talking about bright LCD, hence the 3 layers of tape. I would love to get 2 settings:
- Custom timeout for Core LCD (switch off) - lets say 5-30 seconds
- Custom timeout for all controls LEDs (switch to black/off) - maybe 1-30 minutes
Just let users decide what they want
That would be perfect and wouldn't matter if PC sleeps or not. -
What was the outcome here?
When I sleep my machine, Monogram's lights and display turn off.
But after a short while they come back on.
This could be a setting on my machine, but it's not one I understand.
I've had a bad experience with a very expensive "toy" where the screen stopped working because of this, so I've taken to unplugging Monogram at the end of each day.
1. Crea un perfil con todos los led color NEGRO!
2. No escriba ningún texto para este perfil. Aparece por defecto el texto New Profile 1 en el configurador, pero no en la pantalla led. es invisible.3.Agregue como imagen un Pixel transparente en *.png, lo puede crear con photoshop, o descargarlo de internet.
Esto le permitirá tener un perfil oscuro (prácticamente). En la imagen está encendido y conectado, pero parece apagado ;)
La pantalla LCD sigue encendida, pero al no tener ninguna imagen no se quemará ningún pixel.
Los desarrolladores deben habilitar urgentemente una cuenta atras para que entre en suspensión, como stream deck. Es el terminal más caro con actualizaciones más lentas. Este tema lleva abierto un año.
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