Locking Orbitor X and Y Access



1 comment

  • Official comment
    Shipping & Sales


    This feature exists but didn't make it into the user interface for launch. I'll show you a way to adjust it using Manual Entry view and, in a forthcoming update, it'll be possible to adjust using a UI picker similar to the Sensitivity or Step controls.

    First, we're going to enable Manual Entry view:

    1. Go to Creator > Preferences (macOS) or File > Preferences (Windows)
    2. Select "Advanced"
    3. Select "Enable debugging of module settings via Manual Entry view"
    4. Select "Done"

    Now, we're going to change what's currently called the tilt mode (better naming forthcoming). Select a LrC/C1/etc. profile and click on the Orbiter illustration. In the Orbiter Settings window:

    1. Select "Manual Entry" from the left side
    2. Locate the snippet "tiltMode": 1,
    3. Replace the 1 with a 0
    4. Important: Select "Check and Save" first, then select "Done" second

    One obligatory note: You can make some REALLY funky changes by playing around in Manual Entry view. If things aren't working correctly, please select "Clear" at the bottom right, and use the Presets and/or Customize views to re-create your assignments.

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