Is It Compatible With Da Vinci Resolve 16?



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    Rakesh Malik

    They're still VERY Adobe-centric, which for the most part makes the whole thing a cleverly designed and elegant brick for me. I do occasionally use Live and Reaper, but Monogram doesn't support any professional color grading software, and just one NLE. 

    I'm skeptical about Monogram being able to fully support Resolve because of Black Magic, but one can hope. I'm more hoping for compatibility with software like HitFilm, Scratch,  Mistika, and Blender.

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    Rakesh Malik

    And they apparently don't pay attention to their own community...

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    Shipping & Sales

    Hey guys, not sure how I missed this but apologies for not weighing in sooner. A big wall-of-text below...

    First thing to highlight is that you can use Monogram hardware pretty effectively as an edit controller for Resolve. You would set this up by assigning specific keyboard shortcuts to the dial, key, and Orbiter modules. Note that sliders don't support this assignment method.

    As an example of what you could set up, you could assign an Orbiter ring to jog back and forth in the timeline, a key module to make cuts, close gaps, insert, or select the previous/next clip, or a dial module to nudge clips and zoom in/out of track and program monitor views.

    In short: you can control anything that has a corresponding keyboard shortcut. Which in Resolve is a lot.


    The bad news is that many editors want to use Monogram to color grade in Resolve and this isn't possible, at least not to the extent you would hope it is. Keyboard shortcuts don't really cut it when trying to achieve very precise color grading controls, and a deeper integration (via APIs) is not something Resolve supports.

    The reason for this is that Blackmagic Design has a vested interest in selling their grading panels and, therefore, make it impossible for third-party manufacturers to develop hardware to control the Color page via APIs. Aside from some older and proprietary APIs that are no longer being maintained or upgraded, there is no way to interface with Resolve's color page as a third-party control surface.


    We've revisited Resolve a few times and ultimately have come to the conclusion that without some degree of cooperation by Blackmagic Design, it won't be possible to build a performant and reliable integration with the Color page in particular.

    Maybe Blackmagic will revisit their current position if they see overwhelming demand from their customers.

    Until then? You can set up a pretty comprehensive set of editing controls, but not much for color grading.

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    Rakesh Malik

    Yeah, odds are proper Resolve support is not in the cards because it would impede the business model that allows Black Magic to offer Resolve so cheaply, but there should be more possibilities for software like LightWorks, Blender, and HitFilm. 

    And an update for Unreal Engine 5... 


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