Palette doesn't show up in Mac OS USB list




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    Shipping & Sales

    Hey Kevin, sorry to see this happening.

    If you're not seeing an entry for Palette Multi-Function Device in the system report, we can safely narrow down the issue to a USB port, USB cable/hub, or the Palette core itself.

    Here's how to troubleshoot it:

    1. Remove any USB peripherals (ie hubs, extenders, etc) from between your Palette core and Mac; connect directly to a USB port.
    2. Switch the USB port you're connected to
    3. Switch the USB cable you're using to connect with
    4. If you have a second computer handy, connect the Palette core and see if it appears in the system report or device manager

    Finally, if none of the above helps, please keep us updated—my colleague Mikayla will be in touch via email with next steps.

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    Kevin Barbee

    Hi Andy--thanks for your reply. 

    We have actually done all of those things prior to contacting you (changing cables, removing all USB stuff, changing to other USB ports, and trying the same on a separate computer), still the same problem.

    What shall we do for next steps?

    Thanks, Kevin.

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    Shipping & Sales

    In that case it's more likely to be the core. One of the cables you tried was the supplied one, correct?

    For next steps: Please follow up via the email thread with; send your proof of purchase and shipping details. We'll get it sorted out.

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    Kevin Barbee

    Hi Andy - We bought the system from eBay, so probably not covered under your policy. But if you had any other ideas on how to make it work, or how to force a firmware upgrade, please let me know.


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