Sliders not working correctly and not connecting properly



  • Official comment
    Marketing & Partnerships

    Hey, thanks for reaching out.

    I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing some issues when using Palette with some of our integrated applications. A possible solution to this will be to download an updated version of PaletteApp. Please download the following PaletteApp version:

    MacOS: PaletteApp 2.6.502 for macOS
    Windows: PaletteApp 2.6.502 for Windows

    Note: Please quit all instances of PaletteApp and your Adobe CC applications before downloading the software.

    If the issue persists following downloading this new version, please reach out to

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  • Avatar
    Ray K

    I am having the same problem. I was able to use the sliders on March 29th, 2020, but as of March 30th, 2020, the slider function is no longer working.

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