

  • Official comment
    Shipping & Sales

    Hi Ben, this is a great question; I'm happy to answer about how our re-branding and new products affect Palette Gear owners.

    First, in terms of the products we're selling: Palette Gear manufacturing is discontinued, but remaining add-on modules are available through our retailers. Here's a list of our retail partners worldwide [insert link to /where-to-buy].

    Monogram Creative Console, our new hardware, is now available for pre-order. If you decide to upgrade, Creative Console allows you to connect your Palette Gear dials, buttons, and sliders to the new console.

    Second, in terms of the support you can expect as a Palette Gear owner: We've built Palette Gear support into our upcoming software product, Monogram Creator. You'll get a number of feature additions, compatibility updates, and bug fixes with every Creator update.

    There is also a pending update for PaletteApp that will provide a handful of compatibility updates and bug fixes, so it's not necessary that you move from PaletteApp to Creator immediately.

    In short: We added backwards compatibility wherever possible to make sure that Palette Gear owners can continue to use and enjoy their hardware. Let me know if you have any other questions and I can help further.

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    Ben Pereboom

    Thanks for your quick response.
    Do you have any idea of the delivery date of the new products. Hopefully just as quick as your response on my question ;-)
    If it takes too long I consider to buy my self a Loupedeck device. 

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    Shipping & Sales

    We're working towards a late May ship date currently. I think you'll find the new Creative Console is well worth the wait :)

    If you want to keep up with development announcements, check our Kickstarter page for Creative Console here.

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    HI, I found my Palette Gear, expert Kit today and I am trying to use it again but come to a very big disappointment that its not working anymore due to software compatibility or update from your side I guess...

    It was a big investment I made and I did supporting your kickstarter project back in the days, my palette is working perfectly fine and its such a shame that I can't use it at all... 

    Is there a way to get it to work somehow? Do I have to buy a new monogram to connect it to it? or what can I do? 

    Seems to be a waste to forget about your first product, especially if its just about extensions compatibility, this should be updated from your end easily until the company exist for this kind of product at this price that would be the expectation.

    Would appreciate your prompt feedback. 

    Thank you! 

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