Pallette Gear with Photohop 2020
AnsweredI'm new to Pallette Gear in fact I just got my setiup and opened it up and did the install etc and it doesnt recognise PS2020 - am I doing something wrong maybe or is there no support for 2020 Photoshop?
Official comment
Hey Anthony, sorry for the trouble here.
Our latest release (PaletteApp 2.6.4) has full support for PS 2020, so let's troubleshoot a bit. Some ideas:
1. Let's make sure you're on 2.6.4—go to Help > Palette Updates and select "Check for Updates". You can also see your version number at the top (see screenshot example below).
2. Next we'll re-install the Palette Extension for Adobe. Select the grey or yellow plug at the bottom-right of PaletteApp, then select option 3: Re-install Adobe Extension. Screenshot below:
3. Finally, if the above doesn't work, let's make sure your install has the correct directory so that the Palette Extension can actually be installed.
macOS: Go to Finder, press Shift+Cmd+G and paste in the following path: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions
Windows: Go to File Explorer, select the top filepath bar, and paste in the following path: %appdata%\Adobe\CEP\extensions
If you can't find the above directory, please email into support so we can help you fix your PS install.
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I have the same problem.
For me, Palette doesn't work with Photoshop 2020 either.I have checked the above directory.
The directory exists, but I don't find the "PaletteExtionsion" in it.But in
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions"
the subdirectory "PaletteExtension" is located:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions>dir
06.12.2019 19:42 <DIR> PaletteExtension
How can I fix the problem?
It would be nice if you could help fix it.Thank you!
Hi Max, happy to help with this. Can you try the following?
1. Go to File Explorer, select the top filepath bar, and paste in the following path: %appdata%\Adobe\CEP\2. Select (or create) a folder named extensions inside CEP
3. Open a second File Explorer window and go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Palette 2\PaletteApp\setup
4. Copy PaletteExtension.zxp, and paste it into the extensions folder from step 2.
5. Rename PaletteExtension.zxp to, then unzip it in place—this should create a folder called PaletteExtension.
Note: If the zip file remains, it can be safely deleted. We only need the unzipped folder.6. At this point, you should check that everything is in the right place. Paste the following path into File Explorer and make sure you can see the contents of the Palette Extension: %appdata%\Adobe\CEP\extensions\PaletteExtension\
7. Finally, reboot your system before using Palette + Photoshop.
If it doesn't work after this, please reach out directly to us over email (select "Submit a Request" at the top right).
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