Beta functions?
just installed Beta-Version (2.6.401) but I can't find any additional function. If I want to start a panel for Character Animator it says, this only available in Beta or leads to the webpage where I downloaded the Beta App.
Can you help me?
Official comment
Herbert, this should be fixed now. Open PaletteApp and go to Help > Palette Updates, then select "Check for Updates". This will install 2.6.404-Beta.
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Hi Herbert, did you have PaletteApp 2.6.3 (or a previous public stable version) installed already?
It sounds like the previously installed version continued running in the background during and after the install. You can verify this by going to Help > Palette Updates and looking at the version number there.
Assuming this was the case and 2.6.3 is still running, here's how to switch to the Beta:
- Select the PaletteApp system tray icon (bottom-right of the Windows taskbar, next to the volume icon)
- Select "Quit PaletteApp"
- Re-open PaletteApp Beta from its shortcut or in File Explorer from C:\Program Files (x86)\Palette\Palette Beta
Following this: PaletteApp remembers which version you had open last, so once you've run the Beta for the first time, it will be the version that launches after your next reboot.
I tried to close it, installed new after I removed everything I found. If I open Updates, it says the current version is 2.6.401 but still: If I click on + and then on Character Animator it changes to my browser and opens the download site for the beta. And there is no macro function. Tried to update Frimware, Reset Palette Screen and changed the language from German to English. Nothing helped. :-(
Hi Herbert, thank you for sending everything over; that's incredibly puzzling and I've never seen this happen before.
I've raised this incident with our software team and am awaiting a reply, likely early in the day tomorrow (Tuesday Nov 12). I'll be in touch with an answer + fix ASAP.
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