Recycling System
Hey all,
first of all I got the Palette Expert Kit around one year ago and I honestly love it - it is perfectly included in my Workflow and I wouldnt want to miss it anymore. The new system looks promising, but to be honest: If I wouldnt already have it, I would buy it - but since I got the older one, there aren't many reasons for me to upgrade. I'm honest, there's an eager to buy it, but if im honest, its more because its new than its reasonable.
So here comes my idea: Would it be possible to implement a recycling system for old users? They could send in their old system, get a rabatte from maybe 50% and can buy it. You would have way more sales, especially because most of your customers, know how good the product is. On the plus side, you could sell the used ware also as refurbished, if they are in a good condition.
I don't want to come as cheap, since the early adopter rabatte is very good, can't argue with that :)
I'm eager to know what the community and you, the creators, think :)
kind regards
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