changes to sensitivity not sticking




  • Official comment
    Shipping & Sales

    Yup, I'm able to reproduce this and I've logged it as a bug with our software team. Thanks for reporting it!

    In the meantime, here's a workaround that should help.


    1. Go to Finder
    2. Press Shift+Cmd+G or select Go > Go to Folder and paste in the path:
      ~/Library/Application Support/Palette/PaletteAppV2/profiles
    3. Select a profile and open it with a text editor (I use TextEdit or Sublime Text)
    4. Find the function in question and change the number next to "sensitivity". 9 is highest, 1 is lowest.
      NB: Generally you'll find 6 is the lowest you need to go in most situations, as it's on an exponential scale.
    5. Save the file and restart PaletteApp


    1. Go to File Explorer
    2. Select the top filepath bar and paste in the following:
    3. Select a profile and open it with a text editor (ex. Notepad or Sublime Text)
    4. Find the function in question and change the number next to "sensitivity". 9 is highest, 1 is lowest.
      NB: Generally you'll find 6 is the lowest you need to go in most situations, as it's on an exponential scale.
    5. Save the file and restart PaletteApp

    Expect a permanent fix for this in the 3.0 release coming to Beta shortly

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    Forrest O.

    Same, with OS X Catalina 10.15 (19A602) and Mac Mode scrolling (Firefox). Any ideas?

    Palette v2.6.3.

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