changes to sensitivity not sticking
PlannedI'm using beta 2.6.302 with OS 10.16.6 and Photoshop CC.
I have knobs set to Zoom/Fit and Brush Size. But when I try to adjust the sensitivity of these, my new settings do not stick.
- I select the Dial and double click to edit settings
- Under Brush Settings / Size I select Advanced
- I drag Sensitive to a new value
- I click Done
If I then open that Dial's setting again, it shows the previous value.
Official comment
Yup, I'm able to reproduce this and I've logged it as a bug with our software team. Thanks for reporting it!
In the meantime, here's a workaround that should help.
macOS- Go to Finder
- Press Shift+Cmd+G or select Go > Go to Folder and paste in the path:
~/Library/Application Support/Palette/PaletteAppV2/profiles - Select a profile and open it with a text editor (I use TextEdit or Sublime Text)
- Find the function in question and change the number next to "sensitivity". 9 is highest, 1 is lowest.
NB: Generally you'll find 6 is the lowest you need to go in most situations, as it's on an exponential scale. - Save the file and restart PaletteApp
- Go to File Explorer
- Select the top filepath bar and paste in the following:
%localappdata%\Palette\PaletteAppV2\profiles - Select a profile and open it with a text editor (ex. Notepad or Sublime Text)
- Find the function in question and change the number next to "sensitivity". 9 is highest, 1 is lowest.
NB: Generally you'll find 6 is the lowest you need to go in most situations, as it's on an exponential scale. - Save the file and restart PaletteApp
Expect a permanent fix for this in the 3.0 release coming to Beta shortly
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