adjust "texture" in LR?




  • Official comment
    Customer Experience

    Edit: Texture support is now in Palette 2.6.5 and later, along with Monogram Creator 3.0.0 and later


    Thanks for reaching out and for sharing your request for Texture Slider support in LR Classic.

    While there is no direct shortcut for the Texture Slider, we've recently worked with the Adobe team to get SDK-level access to this feature; Texture Support will be added in the next major PaletteApp update.

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    Corey Butler

    I installed the Beta thinking it was still in testing but there seems to be no texture slider access, unless I'm completely missing something. It's been half a year and it's sucked going through wedding season without being able to map this critical component. 

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    chris j

    I was really disappointed that this "texture" still doesn't support it.

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    Corey Butler

    Over 9 months they have had the bandwidth to launch a completely new line of tools but can't link the texture slider up to the software. 

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    chris j

    I purchased the product at a high cost, but it doesn't seem to update properly.

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