New to Palette/ questions about custom icons and preferences
AnsweredI'm having fun creating profiles and starting to play around with all that I can do with my Palette starter kit. I'm noticing that the screen module is acting buggy. For Chrome, it displays a white screen instead of the Chromo logo. Is there a fix for this? And is it expected behavior that the screen turns off after a few seconds, until I use a control module again?
I like that for CC apps it shows the app icon, which makes me a little OCD about the generic keyboard icon for other apps. Is there any way to enter a custom icon? If not, this would be a great feature to add.
Lastly, the popup dialog box indiating profile switching every time I switch apps is distracting. I'm often switching back and forth between apps, so I would love to find a way to turn this off. I didn't find this in preferences. Am I missing something?
P.S. I tried the Beta and it didn't fix any of these issues.
Official comment
Hey Alison, congrats on the new Palette kit! Happy to help out with your concerns here:
RE: White square icon—Go to Help > Palette Updates > Reset Palette Screen and this ought to fix it.
RE: Screen timeout—Yes, this is normal; basically, it's intended to prevent image retention over many years of use.
RE: App icon vs generic icon—there's no support for custom icons at the moment, but we'll happily accept a feature request for it.
RE: Popup box—Go to PaletteApp > Preferences (Shortcut Cmd+Comma or Ctrl+Comma) and de-select "Show Notification Panel".Comment actions -
Hi Andy and thanks for your reply! Yes, please add a feature request for custom icons. That would be really cool.
I reset the screen as per your instructions, then unplugged, quit, replugged an restarted Palette, but I'm still getting a white screen for Chrome (other apps seem to display correctly so far). Maybe I need to clear all prefs and start again? Could it be because I switched between the Beta and the release version?
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