integration with commandpost in FCPX




  • Official comment
    Shipping & Sales

    Hey Marko, thanks for sharing this and for making the suggestion!

    We’re big fans of CommandPost and what they’ve opened up for FCPX editors (among others).

    Since their software is an open-source project: if anyone with coding knowledge wants to connect their Palette kit to the CommandPost tools immediately, please reach out as we have an SDK Beta available for Palette owners.

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    marko Tardito

    great, I will try (but I have no code skills ) where I can found the SDK beta?

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    Shipping & Sales

    Just replied via email with the link—can't share publicly until the official launch. Anyone reading this who is interested in developing using the Palette SDK, please email in and we'll get you set up too.

    I just tried out Palette with CommandPost using MIDI mode and it does work as a fallback, but using the SDK will definitely make for a more performant and editor-friendly controller at the expense of a little coding.

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    Damien Wittmack

    This is very interesting, look forward to hearing any updates about this... 

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