Dial sensitivity
I'm using Palette for Da Vinci Resolve. The dial is a super useful tool for scrolling through the timeline, especially with Resolve compared to Premiere, since Resolve's playback accuracy is way better than Premiere's. Premiere skips frames when scrolling through the timeline.
However, I think that on Keyboard settings the dial sensitivity is not enough on maximum. Scrolling a frame at at time takes forever even on the max speed. I'd like to be able to have two dials: one going slowly frame by frame and the other one super sensitive going frame by frame, but very fast.
Is it possible to affect the sensitivity other than what the app offers us? Could there be an idea for future development? Resolve should have it's support on it's own anyways.
Hey Emma! Please try this to gain faster adjustment:
1. Make sure Sensitivity (bottom left of the Module Settings window) is at its max.
2. Select 'Customize' from the left-hand side of the window.
3. Increase the 'Step' value for each assignment.
The way that it works is that that sensitivity changes the number of 'ticks' of the dial per turn, while the step value changes how larger or small those ticks are.
PS, since I never replied originally: Ahti's original feedback was also addressed and the new Monogram hardware sends keyboard mode events much more quickly than Palette Gear.
So for background, each of the 5 steps between high and low sensitivity either doubles or halves the 'ticks' or events per turn of the dial. At high it's 96/turn on the small dials, down to 48, 24, 12, etc.
With this in mind you want to keep the sensitivity at high for most incremental adjustments as that's going to give you the highest resolution out of the dial. Instead, change the 'step' value (see below)
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