UNABLE TO CONNECT Palette gear to any program.
Hi Palette Gear,
I have purchased a set of Palette gear end of last year.
Haven't used it for a while and started using yesterday.
However i tried re install program many times and follow all instructions on your website to connect, it just dont seem to work.
An illustration below keeps popping up everytime i add a new program Capture one + Premier Pro.
Please advice how to connect or if the gear needs repair.
Sam Wong
Hey Sam, looks like PaletteApp isn't detecting your kit. There are a few reasons that this can happen; I apologize if any of the below is redundant from what you've tried already:
1. Ensure your kit is connected directly to a USB port. We've seen a much higher rate of connectivity problems when plugging Palette into a USB hub or other peripheral than when going straight to the host computer.
2. Try another USB cable in case the current one is faulty.
3. Remove all modules except your core and go to Help > Palette Updates > Re-Install Firmware. Note: it's not unheard of for this to fail the first time if your core isn't currently being detected; re-try the update if you see an error message.
Lastly, if none of the above works, select "submit a request" at the top right or email us at support@palettegear.com so that we can arrange next steps.
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