[Feature]Soft Takeover Mode[Slider/Photoshop]
Greetings !
I would like to suggest a behavior option for sliders (faders) for Photoshop CC. The behavior is an already established one used for faders and sliders in the music industry that are NOT motorized, like the ones used by Palette Gear. When enabled, the idea is that the fader or slider does not modify it's parameter until it first crosses the current value.
Here is a video with timestamp hyperlink of the behavior in action !
My own personal use case for this behavior would be for Saturation and Brightness on faders. If I use the color picker to choose a color off the canvas, my faders no longer reflect the new chosen colors values. If I want to make a small adjustment on that chosen color, with soft take over mode, I could move the fader slowly in the direction I want it to go until it starts changing, without a sharp jump.
Thank you for your time in taking our feedback!
Official comment
Solid suggestion; I definitely see the usefulness in colour mixing as per your example. Will share this with our dev team.
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