Slow nudge control in FCPX




  • Official comment
    Shipping & Sales

    Hi Zsolt, our dials have a sensitivity control that will allow you to increase how quickly a dial turn applies any action.

    To access this in FCPX, select your dial and then choose "Keyboard Mode" from the side panel. You'll see a view with the shortcuts for each function, along with a sensitivity slider along the bottom.

    Here's a screencap of the process:

    RE: a full integration, this one is difficult as there is no control surface support built into FCPX (as there is in Premiere Pro CC). What I'd recommend to help spur development is to submit a feature request with us, along with a feature request with Apple. For what it's worth, I see a lot of demand already—both for Palette support, and broader control surface support in FCPX.

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    Zsolt Barabas

    Thanks for your answer.


    Yes, I saw this setting and I already use on the maximum speed setup. But this is too slow for the exposure adjust for example.

    Okay. I'll try to write some ideas for you.



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