Use with Raspberry Pi?
AnsweredDoes anybody know if the Palette would work with a Raspberry Pi? Maybe I could program it on a PC and move it to the Pi?
While not possible with the current iterations of our Core Module and PaletteApp, this is within the realm of possibility for future versions.
There may be a few limitations as compared to running Palette on a Windows or Mac. Namely, Palette may not support live re-assignment of modules while connected to the RasPi—your modules would have to be assigned to HID (Keyboard & Joystick Modes) and/or MIDI while connected to a machine running PaletteApp.
The process for assigning and using Palette w/RasPi would look something like this:
- Palette functions are assigned to each module on your Windows or Mac machine
- Palette is moved to the RasPi
- Palette can now be used with the RasPi as a class-compliant MIDI device or HID input; no further connection to PC or Mac is required
Is this an acceptable level of compatibility? If not, what do you need to make Palette effective for this use case?
Having the palette function as basically a “class compliant usb midi controller” through raspberry pi, having been programmed on a Mac/pc beforehand would work very well! Pi could act as a host and output either usb midi messages or 5pin output with an inexpensive usb to midi cable.
Possibly a small configuration screen for the pi to join inputs (messages from palette) to connected outputs or internal soft synths etc would be an extra convenience. I believe such connections are already fairly simple to achieve (see ) and in fact I have done so with other controllers- a nice GUI for that task would be welcomed by a lot of midi users I think.
Nice to have your repose, by the way :) Definitely thought I was just doing an “I wanna pony” request so it’s lovely you would consider it at all. Thank you- A.
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