Can't change brush settings while painting in Ps




  • Official comment
    Shipping & Sales

    The current behaviour maintains your brush properties while completing the brush stroke, and then allows changes between strokes.

    It will require some co-operation from Adobe to allow brush adjustment while drawing, but you're not the only one asking about it. My hope and expectation is that this will be an added improvement, but it may take longer as it needs implementation from both sides—Photoshop CC and PaletteApp.

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    I see. Strange then from Adobe's side. I thought it's something like emulating pen pressure, but it seems not :)

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    Shipping & Sales

    It's definitely worth submitting a feature request with Adobe; if you're willing to send that, it helps us to have visible interest from Palette + PS users.

    I will speak with our developers; I expect we have mentioned this through our channels as well but will make 100% sure.

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