OSC control support



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    Shipping & Sales

    Hi Pavel, just a quick note that I moved your post to the Feature Requests board.

    We've had some interest in OSC for sure. It's not currently roadmapped, but I'd like to gather more info on prospective Palette Gear + OSC use cases to present to our team.

    What applications would you be using it with, and how do you feel that Palette would add the most value if OSC support was added?

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    Parakhonich Pavel

    I bought Palette to use it with Resolume Arena app, as a MIDI and keyboard controller, and I have notice two things:

    - first one  / MIDI lag / - Palette works only with MidiPipe - thats not cool (if it can help: running on mac os High Sierra)

    - second one / MIDI restriction at 127 stops on dial and slider /  this is not you fault - it is all about old as shit MIDI protocol (it influences to smooth transition control)

    And I can say that OSC haven't this problem - smooth as possible, also more flexible for command mapping and more important - works on UTP network (not only at local host)


    After short run I can say that most useful and powerful module is Dial - but MIDI support on Dial - is awful.

    Second on my list is Slider - nice feeling and precision control.

    Buttons - simply all is fine.

    Also my favourite - is mac OS controlls)


    Thank you for you support!

    Waiting for debug MIDI lag and OSC addon)

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    Christian Nadile

    Hi, i don't know if here someone can help me but i try.

    I got a windows pc and i tried to use my palette with resolume arena but in the moment i plug in the usb, resolume stop working, and in the moment i unplug the usb, resolume returns to work.

    is there a solution for this?


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    Parakhonich Pavel

    Try to use Midi Yoke or similar - it helps to me (Midi Pipe for mac OS in my case)

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    Ben Arons

    This is 4 years old - would love to revive. Have you heard of Sound Flow? This would be huge.... https://soundflow.org/

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