Extremely slow startup for Lightroom




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    Shipping & Sales

    Hi all,

    We now have a fix for this. Please select "Submit a Request" from the top-right of this page or email support@palettegear.com if you're still having trouble with it.

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    Lucas Good

    I haven't experienced any slowdowns related to using Palette. I'm using it pretty regularly in probably 3-5 applications (After Effects mainly, but not Light Room) and I wouldn't even think about the fact that it's running in the background all the time except that it pops up that little notification every time I switch into another app that it has a profile for.

    I would guess the timing of installing your Palette gear is just coincidental with the slowing down of Lightroom. If you have administrator privileges on your machine, I would try uninstalling the Palette app and see if that fixes it (or if you haven't already, just try booting up your machine without the hardware plugged in, and see if you still experience the slowdown with Lightroom).

    Hope that helps.

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    Shipping & Sales

    Hi Benjamin, can't say that I'm familiar with this either.

    A couple suggestions to help find the cause:

    - Try disabling all LR Plugins besides the Palette Plugin, in case a conflict exists here. If this remedies the problem, re-enable them one-by-one until you find the culprit. Please update the thread here if you discover a conflict.

    - Try disabling the Palette Plugin prior to LR shutdown. Re-enable the Palette Plugin AFTER LR has successfully started up. Does this speed up the LR startup process.

    - When updating from LR CC 2015 to LR Classic, you were probably prompted to migrate your LR catalogue. Did you move it from an SSD to a mechanical hard drive, or from an internal drive to a peripheral? Having your LR catalogue and/or smart previews on a slow hard drive can and will bring it to a crawl.

    Keep us updated once you've had a chance to try the above; I'll be happy to help investigate further.

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    Hi all,

    I am impressed by the prompt replies here. Here are what I have done so far.

    1) I have tried disabling the palette plugin and also tried killing the app before I launch LR. Both cases, LR loaded speedily as before. If the app is on before LR is loaded or if I enabled the plugin before LR is loaded, the freezing happens.

    2) I have never migrated the LR catalogue. All on local SSD.

    3) I have yet to reinstall and remove the plugin. Will try that and update again.

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    Brandon Neumaier



    Is anyone else still having this issue?


    I have gone through every possible solution to the unresponsive startup with Lightroom with a Palette installed on the user. The only thing that works is UNINSTALLING the Palette 2 software. Lightroom launches as normal after the complete wipe of the Palette software. When Palette software is reinstalled, Lightroom instantly slows down again during startup to "Not Responding". After a couple of minutes, Lightroom is fully functional.


    What will fix this?



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    Shipping & Sales

    Hi Brandon, mind sending in an issue report via Help > Customer Support in PaletteApp? This will share some details about your system—Lightroom and LR Plugin version, OS, etc.—and allow me to share it with our software team.

    I'll update the thread here as I gain more insights.

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