[Feature] Custom range [Slider]

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    Antoine Henry


    I'd like to request a similar feature. Faders could be customized in "Keyboard Mode" by defining zones from top to bottom of the fader range. Entering and/or exiting a zone would then trigger a key.

    For instance, this is how I would configure a fader for my personal use in a music score editing software, in order to easily select a note duration when writing a part:

    - I would split the fader range in 4 zones

    - Fader enters lower zone: press '3' (shortcut for 16th note duration in my software)

    - Fader enters mid lower zone: press '4' (shortcut for 8th note)

    - Fader enters mid upper zone: press '5' (quarter note)

    - Fader enters upper zone: press '6' (half note)

    In all other kind of situations and softwares, I think this would add a lot of possibilities of customization for faders - which are a little behind other modules in my opinion. Anyway, great job designing this product, I'm loving it so far! This new feature would make it even better for me, maybe perfect.


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