[Improvement] Global profile [PaletteApp]




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    This has been asked about a few times—it's not built yet, but I think chances are good that it will be eventually.

    There are two workarounds for now. The only caveat is that neither work with automatic profile switching.

    1. Create a MIDI profile but map all the modules to Keyboard or Media mode instead.

    2. Choose one of your existing keyboard mode profiles, then open the Quick Start profiles drawer and open one of them into a new tab. Here's a screencap that explains it better: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/DM2WAWguG25XqykQ1AzprL

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    I had a thought, maybe I could make some workaround for desktop if I made a profile for Windows File Explorer, but it doesn't even show up in open apps :( Anyway, some global profile would be a relief when opening an app without assigned profile.

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    Andy, thanks for the response. I've done so yesterday, but still the biggest problem is, that I have to manually switch to this profile every time I close one or another app with assigned profile

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    Agreed 110%. This is something that I'd like to see personally; I'll make sure it's resurfaced with the team. It would likely be changed along with a number of other UX improvements in PaletteApp 3 rather than a 2.x update.

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    Demian Seo

    Isn't there any solution for this yet? 2 years have passed. I would like to have a volume slider that works across the whole window desktop.

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    They said they've added this feature in new app they're developing for Monogram CC. I think it'll be backwards compatible with Palette (but not sure - might be you'd still need Monogram core module :/)

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    Demian Seo

    Karmalakas, Thank's a lot!

    I didn't know about Monogram!! I'd like to combine my old Palette with Monogram !! I guess it is impossible...

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    It'll be backwards campatible. I've backed Monogram on Kickstarter. Sadly it was delayed by 3 months and now Corona thing :(
    Check out their video and Monogram page

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    Hey Demian, Karmalakas nailed it—you'll be able to use your Palette Gear kit with the new Monogram Creator software and will take advantage of any software-level improvements we add there. If you want to upgrade, you just need to add a Monogram core and then you can mix and match both generations of module.

    If it helps you in the immediate future, the Windows/macOS Mode volume should control global system volume regardless of what profile it's assigned in.

    Finally, Monogram Creator is coming shortly and will have the option to make a global profile that plays nicely with dedicated, per-app profiles. Here's a demo I did a short while back when we first built it: https://youtu.be/hZYOY5-Bezs?t=389

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    Fran Romguer


    I'm in the same situation than Karmalakas.

    In my case, I am a music producer and composer. I love the automatic switching profile feature but It doesn't work with my DAW because I use a MIDI profile on it (and it is not working in MIDI profiles). So I have to change it manually and it is quite bothering. When will Monogram Creator software be released?

    I'm looking forward to enjoy this automatic function working with my MIDI profiles attached to my DAW without buying a new Monogram Kit (I understood I won't need it).

    Thanks for your answer!

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    Alpha release is already out, but beware - lots of issues with it

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    Fran Romguer

    Can't access to the release (I'm not a backer of the Kickstarter Monogram Project) :(

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    Hey Fran, here's the Creator Alpha page.

    And here's the release notes doc for all versions of Creator.

    As Karmalakas mentioned there are still some areas that need polish; we've summarized those in the "Known Issues" section. If you see any dealbreakers in that list, know that we'll be addressing them in subsequent Alpha and Beta releases.

    Finally, once you sign up for Alpha, we automatically send you an email with some details about how to request features and bug fixes directly to our team. Hope all of this helps and allows you to start using your Palette kit more effectively for MIDI profiles!

    - Andy

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    Fran Romguer

    Thank you so much for the link, Andy.
    It seems I've came to write you at the best time.
    Installing Monogram Creator and telling you soon! ♥

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