[Feature] Toggle keys on button/dial press [Button/Dial/PaletteApp]
Not plannedUsing Beta app.
Would love to have something similar to macros, just not a sequence of key presses, but a toggle. Could be set by adding rows of keyboard shortcuts (like macros), but every row would be executed on every button/dial press.
Lets say I want pressing a button to toggle between keys A, S and D. On first press it would execute A, on second - S, on third - D and on fourth would execute A again and so on. Why am I asking this. Open Plex Home Theatre has Play/Pause on separate shortcuts - [Space] for Pause and [P] for Play. I'd love to have one button to handle both :)
Would be even better to be able to add such groups of macros :) On first press first group macros would be executed, on 2nd - 2nd group of macros and so on :) But that's maybe too much to ask for now :)
Official comment
The reason this has never been built is that, if cycling through a sequence of keys, there's no way to be state aware and therefore the wrong hotkey is being sent as often as the right one.
Using the Open Plex Home Theatre example, roughly 50% of the time you're sending the wrong hotkey:
Case 1: Open Plex is paused and Monogram sends Space. Result: nothing happens and you press it again. Frustrating.
Case 2: Open Plex is playing and Monogram sends P. Result: nothing happens and you press it again. More frustration.
Given your example, the better solution is for Open Plex to have Space toggle Play and Pause just like 99.9% of apps do.
Another solution would be to use our SDK where you can implement a Play/Pause button that has the basic logic of: if currentPlaybackState = play, then send command = pause; else send command = play.
With all the above in mind, it's possible to toggle through a series of actions with a button using many Monogram integrations (ie Toggle Pick/Reject/Clear in Lightroom Classic, or Toggle Play/Pause in Premiere Pro), but we're never going to build that for keyboard mode because it will never have state-awareness. This is an inherent keyboard shortcut problem, not a Monogram shortcoming.
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It's not just Plex. As mentioned I have more uses of this. As an example - Lightroom library view. I couldn't find a way to switch between grid (G key) and loupe (E key) views (currently assigned G to Press and Hold). The feature I ask would solve this. And yes, I completely understand sometimes wrong key can be sent, but that's what I would expect if I manually create such a sequence. But while Monogram app is running, the sequence can be cycled correctly.
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