[Improvement] LEDs colors [PaletteApp/All modules]
Using Beta app.
Two main problems:
- There's no way to completely turn off LEDs on a module(s). Even setting color to black, LEDs keeps lit on.
- There's no way to set default color to all modules on new profile. Every time after I've created a new profile, I have to select color for each module.
Also one not much a problem, but a bit annoying. I'm used to work in almost complete darkness, but there're only bright color selections. If modules are equipped with RGB LEDs, why can't we choose custom colors by adjusting Hue, Saturation and Brightness? For the start just Brightness would be enough to dim predefined colors.
Thanks ;)
I encountered the same issue while turning everything black, i just have 6 modules instead of your 11 but it was kind of boring. LEDs look to be turned off for real though.
One way to speed up was to set each button to black then click straight on the next button on the main window, without clicking "done" on the specific setting window.
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