Feature Requests - Multiple connections to control module




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    Shipping & Sales

    Hey George, there's a lot of interest in this feature—both from our customers and within our team. How are you using Palette currently, and how would this feature improve your use of it?

    I can't say that this is definitively planned and added to the roadmap (it's more exploratory for now), but we are hoping to add the ability to either split one kit across a workstation or allow simultaneous use of two kits.

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    George Glines

    Photoshop and Lightroom with Wacom 27 Cintiq. Much prefer the palette controls over the Wacom's. Use of two kits would be even better. Take my money.

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    Would be nice to see that update early the next year...a lot of time has passed...

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    Dena Dahilig

    Hey there! I have a use case for this: I use my controllers in my voiceover booth when I'm recording but when I edit - especially long-form work - it's more comfortable to be at my desk and not in the "hot house" of the booth. Being able to have two cores feeding into one computer/one app would be awesome. Now I have to move it back and forth, unplugging and plugging back in at least once a day. Thanks!

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