[Improvement] Motorized slider [HW]

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    Great idea! I owned a MIDI keyboard for a bit that had a motorized fader (a Nektar Panorama P6) and that fader was really useful. It offered a lot more accurate control and would update itself as I clicked around my controls. At least from a music perspective, it would certainly take more work to get working than a traditional fader, but would definitely be worth it, I think. I believe there is a particular protocol that is used for motorized faders to speak MIDI and have bidirectional communication? I forget.

    Anyway, a big +1 from me!

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    Christian Gurk

    +1 from me too!!!

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    Shipping & Sales

    Hey Justin, thanks for sharing this request.

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of aspects of motorized sliders that work against our larger goals with Palette—namely making it compact, portable, modular, USB-powered, etc.

    I don't say that to shoot you guys down, but it's important that we don't promise the moon and come up short on delivery.

    What I'd like to ask is: if motorized sliders were completely out of the question, what type of module would you like to see added to our hardware offerings?

    Especially something that you'd be interested in to replace a conventional slider, for example: a touch slider, joystick, etc.

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    Shipping & Sales

    PS: Justin, you'll find that optimizing the range of your sliders helps a LOT in Lightroom.

    The default is ±5 stops IIRC, but by narrowing it down to something more realistic like ±1 or 2, that "jump" when the slider gets nudged or is adjusted on a new image becomes far less dramatic.

    More info here if you're interested

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    I'm guessing that the current core unit and interlocking system can't support enough power to make a motorized fader work? If that's out of the question, what about a touch/ribbon controller with a small display (could be as simple as a few low power LEDs) that would change to indicate the current value of the selected control? It wouldn't be very good for music mixing, but would probably be enough for photo/video/creative/synth type applications.

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    Isaac J O'Neil

    Has there been an update on USB type C powered hub to enable this? would be really sweet if y'all could.

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    I see you guys are aiming for a system that’s intuitive enough that really you don’t need to look at it, becomes second nature to the user.
    So what’s been said about a touch slider module would be cool.
    • x3 touch slider module, similar to your up and coming Monogram module.
    • Lighting that indicates where the slider is currently at a glance.
    • Haptic feedback that indicates to the user where the middle is, perhaps this could also pulse more as in reaches 100% and ends with a click and down to a 0 value pulses less with it ending in a click.
    • A sticky 50% with software that allows the user to decide how sticky that middle point is, perhaps 25% and 75% also?

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