Dial with click settings.



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    Shipping & Sales

    Hey Sid, this is something we've talked about internally but it's not on the roadmap yet.

    Out of curiosity, would you prefer these click dials to be smaller, larger, or the same size as the current dial module? And what would you be interested in using this module for?

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    Sizewise the same size is fine, for uniformity sake. The application would be when doing fine edit work, when I need to shift one frame, or I need to increase or decrease values by specific amounts. I find with the smooth knob it will miss its mark and I will have to back track. 

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    Scott Weiser

    Probably still not on the roadmap, but I came here to request this....  my specific use-case requires users to respond to and classify real-time events rapidly, often from drop-downs or other selection components...  I'm throttling the messages from the knobs currently, but without the tactile 'step', the user has to make a lot of corrections, and is more likely to make a mistake.  

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