Firmware Update Fail - Resetting the Core??
My unit has been working fine since purchase almost a year ago. I did a firmware update yesterday (why did I do this!!) and now the Core cannot be detected. I've tried all of the "recovery" suggestions in the FAQ with no success. One of the suggestions is to reset the Core..."holding down the reset button while re-attaching the USB cable". But nowhere does it tell me where this "reset button" is!! Is it one (or both) of the Core's profile buttons?? Something else?
While I'm waiting for someone from support to answer my trouble ticket, does anyone know how to reset the Core?? Thanks.
Yes they did. Quite helpful in trying to work thru it. Suggested all kinds of tests/fixes which did nothing. I found on my own that there was a (hidden) Windows update pending in my system. ;-( A PC restart completed the update and the Core firmware update completed without issue. That was one suggestion they never mentioned.
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