Photoshop (UXP)
Monogram offers two plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop -- Photoshop (Legacy) and Photoshop (UXP)
Photoshop (UXP) plug-in is available if your Photoshop version is 22.5.0 or above. It offers expanded functionality and performance.
Monogram supports 210 functions in Photoshop (UXP).
Presets are functions curated to pair best with a Monogram module.
For the full list of functions supported in Photoshop (UXP), see "All Functions" section.
Button Presets
- Layer
- Toggle Layer Visibility
- Merge Down
- Copy Merged
- Stamp Visible Layers
- Select All Layers
- Toggle Clipping Mask
- Fill Dialog
- Fill Foreground
- Fill Background
- Selection
- Reselect
- Deselect
- Invert Selection
- Tool
- Hand Tool (Hold)
- Selects the hand tool to move the image around. Keep the button pressed and then click/drag with the mouse
- Rotate Tool (Hold)
- Selects the rotate tool to rotate the image. Keep the button pressed and then click/drag with the mouse
- Hand Tool (Hold)
- Zoom
- Zoom In
- Zoom Out
- Zoom to Fit
- Zoom to 100%
Dial Presets
- Adjust Any Property
- Adjust Any Property (fine)
- Click on any numeric field inside Photoshop and adjust it by moving the dial right (increase) or left (decrease). The press action toggles through other properties in the selected panel.
- Adjust Any Property (coarse)
- Click on any numeric field inside Photoshop and adjust it by moving the dial right (increase) or left (decrease). The press action toggles through other properties in the selected panel.
- Select Property
- Click on any numeric field inside Photoshop. Move selection to the next or previous property by turning the dial right (next) or left (previous).
- Adjust Any Property (fine)
- Layer
- Layer Blend Mode
- Select Layer
- Move Layer Up/Down
- Zoom
- Adjusts zoom level for the active document.
- Zoom
- Adjusts zoom level for the active document.
Slider Presets
- Adjustment Layer
- Exposure
- Gamma
- Adjusts the Gamma slider on the nearest Exposure adjustment layer. If a matching adjustment layer doesn't exist, one is created.
- Gamma
- Exposure
Orbiter Presets
- Brush
- Brush Size & Hardness
- Turn = Brush Size, Tilt X = Brush Size, Tilt Y = Brush Hardness
- Brush Opacity
- Turn = Brush Opacity, Tilt X = Unassigned, Tilt Y = Brush Opacity
- Brush Flow
- Turn = Brush Flow, Tilt X = Unassigned, Tilt Y = Brush Flow
- Brush Angle & Roundness
- Turn = Brush Angle, Tilt X = Brush Angle, Tilt Y = Brush Roundness
- Brush Size & Hardness
- Color
- HSB Hue Cube
- Turn = Hue, Tilt X = Saturation, Tilt Y = Brightness
- HSB Brightness Cube
- Turn = Brightness, Tilt X = Hue, Tilt Y = Saturation
- HSB Hue Cube
- Layer
- Layer Opacity
- Turn = Opacity, Tilt X = Unassigned, Tilt Y = Opacity
- Layer Opacity
- Zoom
- Turn = Zoom, Tilt X = Unassigned, Tilt Y = Zoom
All Functions
Tip: Use ⌘ + F or Ctrl + F to search for a function in your browser
Functions listed below can be assigned to any compatible module.
- Actions
- Load Actions List
- [For Beta Only] Load an updated Actions from Photoshop
- Load Actions List
- Adjustment Layer
- Add Brightness/Contrast Adjustment
- This creates a new Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer on top of the last selected layer.
- Add Hue/Saturation Adjustment
- This creates a new Hue/Saturation adjustment layer on top of the last selected layer.
- Add Vibrance Adjustment Layer
- This creates a new Vibrance adjustment layer on top of the last selected layer.
- Add Exposure Adjustment Layer
- This creates a new Exposure adjustment layer on top of the last selected layer.
- Brightness/Contrast
- Brightness (Legacy)
- Adjusts the Brightness slider on the nearest Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer. If a matching adjustment layer doesn't exist, one is created.
- Contrast (Legacy)
- Adjusts the Contrast slider on the nearest Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer. If a matching adjustment layer doesn't exist, one is created.
- Brightness (Legacy)
- Exposure
- Exposure
- Adjusts the Exposure slider on the nearest Exposure adjustment layer. If a matching adjustment layer doesn't exist, one is created.
- Offset
- Adjusts the Offset slider on the nearest Exposure adjustment layer. If a matching adjustment layer doesn't exist, one is created.
- Gamma
- Adjusts the Gamma slider on the nearest Exposure adjustment layer. If a matching adjustment layer doesn't exist, one is created.
- Exposure
- Vibrance
- Vibrance
- Adjusts the Vibrance slider on the nearest Vibrance adjustment layer. If a matching adjustment layer doesn't exist, one is created.
- Saturation
- Adjusts the Saturation slider on the nearest Vibrance adjustment layer. If a matching adjustment layer doesn't exist, one is created.
- Vibrance
- Hue/Saturation
- Hue
- Adjusts the Hue slider on the nearest Hue/Saturation adjustment layer. If a matching adjustment layer doesn't exist, one is created.
- Saturation
- Adjusts the Saturation slider on the nearest Hue/Saturation adjustment layer. If a matching adjustment layer doesn't exist, one is created.
- Lightness
- Adjusts the Lightness slider on the nearest Hue/Saturation adjustment layer. If a matching adjustment layer doesn't exist, one is created.
- Hue
- Add Brightness/Contrast Adjustment
- Brush
- Brush Size
- The default brush tool is chosen if no appropriate tool is selected. To see the properties change inside Photoshop, keep the "Monogram" panel open (Plugins > Monogram).
- Brush Hardness
- The default brush tool is chosen if no appropriate tool is selected. To see the properties change inside Photoshop, keep the "Monogram" panel open (Plugins > Monogram).
- Brush Opacity
- The paint brush tool is chosen if no appropriate tool is selected. To see the properties change inside Photoshop, keep the "Monogram" panel open (Plugins > Monogram).
- Brush Flow
- The paint brush tool is chosen if no appropriate tool is selected. To see the properties change inside Photoshop, keep the "Monogram" panel open (Plugins > Monogram).
- Brush Angle
- The default brush tool is chosen if no appropriate tool is selected.
- Brush Roundness
- The default brush tool is chosen if no appropriate tool is selected.
- Brush Spacing
- The default brush tool is chosen if no appropriate tool is selected.
- Blend Mode
- Normal Blend Mode
- Dissolve Blend Mode
- Behind Blend Mode
- Clear Blend Mode
- Darken Blend Mode
- Multiply Blend Mode
- Color Burn Blend Mode
- Linear Burn Blend Mode
- Darker Color Blend Mode
- Lighten Blend Mode
- Screen Blend Mode
- Color Dodge Blend Mode
- Linear Dodge Blend Mode
- Lighter Color Blend Mode
- Overlay Blend Mode
- Soft Light Blend Mode
- Hard Light Blend Mode
- Vivid Light Blend Mode
- Linear Light Blend Mode
- Pin Light Blend Mode
- Hard Mix Blend Mode
- Difference Blend Mode
- Exclusion Blend Mode
- Subtract Blend Mode
- Divide Blend Mode
- Hue Blend Mode
- Saturation Blend Mode
- Color Blend Mode
- Luminosity Blend Mode
- Brush Size
- Color
- HSB Hue
- Adjusts the foreground color's Hue for painting/filling. To see the properties change inside Photoshop, keep the "Monogram" panel open (Plugins > Monogram).
- HSB Saturation
- Adjusts the foreground color's Saturation for painting/filling. To see the properties change inside Photoshop, keep the "Monogram" panel open (Plugins > Monogram).
- HSB Brightness
- Adjusts the foreground color's Brightness for painting/filling. To see the properties change inside Photoshop, keep the "Monogram" panel open (Plugins > Monogram).
- HSB Hue
- RGB Red
- Adjusts the foreground color's Red mix for painting/filling.
- RGB Green
- Adjusts the foreground color's Green mix for painting/filling.
- RGB Blue
- Adjusts the foreground color's Blue mix for painting/filling.
- RGB Red
- CMYK Cyan
- Adjusts the foreground color's Cyan mix for painting/filling.
- CMYK Magenta
- Adjusts the foreground color's Magenta mix for painting/filling.
- CMYK Yellow
- Adjusts the foreground color's Yellow mix for painting/filling.
- CMYK Black
- Adjusts the foreground color's Black (Key) mix for painting/filling.
- CMYK Cyan
- Swatches
- Custom Color
- Select "Customize" (at left) in order to assign a custom color via RGB, HSB, CMYK, or Hex code input. Sets the foreground color to a custom value of your choice.
- Black
- Sets the foreground color to solid black (#000000).
- White
- Sets the foreground color to solid white (#FFFFFF).
- 50% Grey
- Sets the foreground color to 50% grey (#808080).
- Custom Color
- Swap Colors
- Swaps the foreground and background colors.
- Layer
- Blend Mode
- Normal Blend Mode
- Dissolve Blend Mode
- Darken Blend Mode
- Multiply Blend Mode
- Color Burn Blend Mode
- Linear Burn Blend Mode
- Darker Color Blend Mode
- Lighten Blend Mode
- Screen Blend Mode
- Color Dodge Blend Mode
- Linear Dodge Blend Mode
- Lighter Color Blend Mode
- Overlay Blend Mode
- Soft Light Blend Mode
- Hard Light Blend Mode
- Vivid Light Blend Mode
- Linear Light Blend Mode
- Pin Light Blend Mode
- Hard Mix Blend Mode
- Difference Blend Mode
- Exclusion Blend Mode
- Subtract Blend Mode
- Divide Blend Mode
- Hue Blend Mode
- Saturation Blend Mode
- Color Blend Mode
- New Layer
- Duplicate Layer
- Delete Layer
- Create Group
- Select Layer Up
- Select Layer Down
- Move Layer Up
- Move Layer Down
- Bring to Front
- Send to Back
- Merge Visible
- Flatten Image
- Layer Opacity
- Adjusts the Opacity of the selected layer.
- Fill Opacity
- Adjusts the Fill Opacity of the selected layer.
- Blend Mode
- Tool
- Crop Tool
- Move Tool
- Artboard Tool
- Marquee
- Rectangular Marquee Tool
- Ellipse Marquee Tool
- Single Row Marquee Tool
- Single Column Marquee Tool
- Lasso
- Lasso Tool
- Polygonal Lasso Tool
- Magnetic Lasso Tool
- Quick Select Tool
- Magic Wand Tool
- Auto Masking Tool
- Object Selection Tool
- Crop
- Crop Tool
- Perspective Crop Tool
- Slice Tool
- Slice Select Tool
- Frame Tool
- Measurement
- Eyedropper Tool
- 3D Material Eyedropper Tool
- Color Sampler Tool
- Ruler Tool
- Note Tool
- Count Tool
- Healing
- Spot Healing Brush Tool
- Healing Brush Tool
- Selects the Healing Brush Tool. You can hold the Alt key and select a section to use as a reference for the healing tool.
- Patch Tool
- Content-Aware Move Tool
- Red Eye Tool
- Brush
- Brush Tool
- Pencil Tool
- Color Replacement Tool
- Mixer Brush Tool
- Stamp
- Clone Stamp Tool
- Selects the Clone Stamp Tool. You can use the Alt key to define a source point.
- Pattern Stamp Tool
- Clone Stamp Tool
- History Brush
- History Brush Tool
- Art History Brush Tool
- Eraser
- Eraser Tool
- Background Eraser Tool
- Magic Eraser Tool
- Fill
- Gradient Tool
- Paint Bucket Tool
- 3D Material Drop Tool
- Dodge/Burn
- Dodge Tool
- Burn Tool
- Sponge Tool
- Blur/Smudge/Sharpen
- Blur Tool
- Sharpen Tool
- Smudge Tool
- Pen
- Pen Tool
- Freeform Pen Tool
- Curvature Pen Tool
- Add Anchor Point Tool
- Delete Anchor Point Tool
- Convert Anchor Point Tool
- Type
- Horizontal Type Tool
- Vertical Type Tool
- Horizontal Type Mask Tool
- Vertical Type Mask Tool
- Path Selection
- Path Selection Tool
- Direct Selection Tool
- Shape
- Rectangle Tool
- Triangle Tool
- Ellipse Tool
- Polygon Tool
- Line Tool
- Custom Shape Tool
- Hand Tool
- Rotate View Tool
- Zoom Tool
- Toggle Dodge/Burn Tool
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