Monogram supports 339 functions in Premiere Pro.
Presets are functions curated to pair best with a particular type of Monogram module.
For the full list of functions supported in Premiere Pro, see "All Functions" section.
Button Presets
- Select Next Sequence
- Shuttle Stop
Dial Presets
- Playhead
- Effects & Transitions
- Keyframes
- Change Audio Keyframe Value
- Change Video Keyframe Value
- Keyframes
- Playback/Navigation
- Jog / Toggle Audio Keyframe
- Jog / Toggle Video Keyframe
- Timeline
- Change Video Track Height
- Change Audio Track Height
- Track Control
- Select Track
- Rotate dial left to select all of the clips of the track above and right to select all the clips of the track below.
- Select Track
- Audio Mixer
- Cycle Active Track
- Adjust Any Property
- Adjust Any Property (fine)
- Click on any numeric field inside Premiere Pro and adjust it by moving the dial right (increase) or left (decrease).
The press action toggles through other properties in the selected panel.
- Click on any numeric field inside Premiere Pro and adjust it by moving the dial right (increase) or left (decrease).
- Adjust Any Property (coarse)
- Click on any numeric field inside Premiere Pro and adjust it by moving the dial right (increase) or left (decrease).
The press action toggles through other properties in the selected panel.
- Click on any numeric field inside Premiere Pro and adjust it by moving the dial right (increase) or left (decrease).
- Select Property
- Click on any numeric field inside Premiere Pro. Move selection to the next or previous property by turning the dial right (next) or left (previous).
- Adjust Any Property (fine)
Slider Presets
- Lumetri Color
- Basic Correction
- Temperature
- Tint
- Exposure
- Contrast
- Highlights
- Shadows
- Whites
- Blacks
- HDR Specular
- Saturation
- Creative
- Faded Film
- Saturation
- HSL Secondary
- Blur
- Temperature
- Tint
- Contrast
- Saturation
- Vignette
- Amount
- Basic Correction
- Motion
- Scale
- When Uniform Scale is unchecked, this updates Scale Height instead.
- Scale
Orbiter Presets
- Editing
- Select Any Edit Point
- Turn = Select Any Edit Point
Tilt X = Unassigned
Tilt Y = Unassigned
Turn Orbiter ring to go to the previous or next edit point of the targeted tracks.
- Turn = Select Any Edit Point
- Select Any Edit Point
- Lumetri Color
- Basic Correction
- Temp, Tint & Exposure
- Turn = Exposure
Tilt X = Tint
Tilt Y = Temperature
- Turn = Exposure
- Temp, Tint & Exposure
- Color Wheels
- Shadows Wheel
- Turn = Shadow lightness
Tilt X/Y = Shadow color wheel
- Turn = Shadow lightness
- Midtones Wheel
- Turn = Midtone lightness
Tilt X/Y = Midtone color wheel
- Turn = Midtone lightness
- Highlights Wheel
- Turn = Highlight lightness
Tilt X/Y = Highlight color wheel
- Turn = Highlight lightness
- Shadows Wheel
- Basic Correction
- Motion
- Position & Scale
- Turn = Clip scale
Tilt X = Clip position X
Tilt Y = Clip position Y
- Turn = Clip scale
- Position & Scale
- Playback & Navigation
- Jog
- Moves the playhead frame-by-frame in the selected monitor, with a strong acceleration effect when turned quickly.
Does not include audio while scrubbing; select the "Playhead" function instead for audio scrubbing.
Turn = Jog
Tilt X = Jog
Tilt Y is unassigned
- Moves the playhead frame-by-frame in the selected monitor, with a strong acceleration effect when turned quickly.
- Playhead
- Moves the playhead frame-by-frame in the selected monitor; includes audio while scrubbing.
Select the "Jog" function instead for stronger acceleration when turning quickly.
Turn = Playhead
Tilt X = Playhead
Tilt Y is unassigned
- Moves the playhead frame-by-frame in the selected monitor; includes audio while scrubbing.
- Jog
All Functions
Tip: Use ⌘ + F or Ctrl + F to search for a function in your browser
Functions listed below can be assigned to any compatible module.
- Render
- In to Out
- Renders everything between the in and out points. Plays preview of work area afterwards.
- Render All
- Renders current sequence's entire work area. Plays preview of work area afterwards.
- Render Audio
- Renders audio in the work area. Plays a preview of work area afterwards.
- Render Preview
- Renders current sequence's timeline. Plays preview of work area afterwards.
- In to Out
- Lumetri Color
- High Dynamic Range
- Press this button to toggle High Dynamic Range.
- Bypass Lumetri Color Effects
- Press this button to toggle Lumetri bypass.
- Basic Correction
- HDR White
- To enable this, tick the checkbox High Dynamic Range under the Lumetri Color effect (Effect Controls panel). A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Temperature
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Tint
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Exposure
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Contrast
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Highlights
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Shadows
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Whites
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Blacks
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- HDR Specular
- To enable this, tick the checkbox High Dynamic Range under the Lumetri Color effect (Effect Controls panel). A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Saturation
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- HDR White
- Creative
- Intensity
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Faded Film
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Sharpen
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Vibrance
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Saturation
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Tint Balance
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Intensity
- Curves
- HDR Range
- To enable this, tick the checkbox High Dynamic Range under the Lumetri Color effect (Effect Controls panel).
- HDR Range
- HSL Secondary
- Denoise
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Blur
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Temperature
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Tint
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Contrast
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Sharpen
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Saturation
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Denoise
- Vignette
- Amount
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Midpoint
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Roundness
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Feather
- A Lumetri Effect is automatically applied if one does not already exist.
- Amount
- Reset Lumetri Settings
- Press this button to reset all the lumetri settings of the selected clips.
- Color Wheels
- Midtones Wheel X
- Midtones Wheel Y
- Midtones Lightness
- Shadows Wheel X
- Shadows Wheel Y
- Shadows Lightness
- Highlights Wheel X
- Highlights Wheel Y
- Highlights Lightness
- High Dynamic Range
- Effects & Transitions
- Keyframes
- Next Keyframe
- Selects the next keyframe and moves the playhead to it. Traverses all keyframes unless a single effect is selected. The effects control panel must be selected.
- Previous Keyframe
- Selects the previous keyframe and moves the playhead to it. Traverses all keyframes unless a single effect is selected. The effects control panel must be selected.
- Add/Remove Video Keyframe
- Adds/removes a keyframe to the selected video effect, at the playhead. If no effect is selected, a keyframe will be added to the effect shown on the active video clip (defaults to Opacity).
- Add/Remove Audio Keyframe
- Adds/removes a keyframe to the selected audio effect, at the playhead. If no effect is selected, a keyframe will be added to the effect shown on the active audio clip (defaults to Volume).
- Select Next/Previous Keyframe
- Turn dial to select the next or previous keyframe, and move the playhead to it.
- Change Audio Keyframe Value
- Turn dial right/left to change the value at the selected audio effect keyframe. Press dial to add a new keyframe.
- Change Video Keyframe Value
- Turn dial right/left to change the value at the selected video effect keyframe. Press dial to add a new keyframe.
- Move Audio Keyframe
- Turn dial right/left to move the selected audio effect keyframe. If no keyframe is selected, moves all the keyframes of the effect shown on the active audio clip (defaults to Volume).
- Move Video Keyframe
- Turn dial right/left to move the selected video effect keyframe. If no keyframe is selected, moves all the keyframes of the effect shown on the active video clip (defaults to Opacity).
- Next Keyframe
- Remove Transitions
- Removes the transitions of the selected clips.
- Remove Effects
- Removes the effects of the selected clips. Does not remove motion, opacity, time remapping, and lumetri color.
- Apply Video Effect
- Apply video effect to selected video clips. If no effects are available in the list, restart Premiere Pro and open a project.
- Apply Video Transition to Front of Clips
- Apply video transition to the front of selected video clips. If no transitions are available in the list, restart Premiere Pro and open a project.
- Apply Video Transition to End of Clips
- Apply video transition to the end of selected video clips. If no transitions are available in the list, restart Premiere Pro and open a project.
- Apply Video Transition to Both Ends of Clips
- Apply video transition to both ends of selected video clips. If no transitions are available in the list, restart Premiere Pro and open a project.
- Apply Audio Effect
- Apply audio effect to selected video clips. If no effects are available in the list, restart Premiere Pro with a project loaded.
- Apply Audio Transition to Front of Clips
- Apply audio transition to the front of selected audio clips. If no transitions are available in the list, restart Premiere Pro and open a project.
- Apply Audio Transition to End of Clips
- Apply audio transition to the end of selected audio clips. If no transitions are available in the list, restart Premiere Pro and open a project.
- Apply Audio Transition to Both Ends of Clips
- Apply audio transition to both ends of selected audio clips. If no transitions are available in the list, restart Premiere Pro and open a project.
- Audio Effects
- Volume Level
- Changes the volume level of the selected clip. By default, keyframing is on in Premiere Pro for 'Volume Level'.
- Left Channel Volume
- Changes the left channel volume of the selected clip. By default, keyframing is on in Premiere Pro for 'Left Channel Volume'.
- Right Channel Volume
- Changes the right channel volume of the selected clip. By default, keyframing is on in Premiere Pro for 'Right Channel Volume'.
- Volume Level
- Keyframes
- Editing
- Ripple Delete
- This deletes the clip selected in the timeline panel. Any gap that is created is closed.
- Next Edit Point
- Moves the playhead to the next edit point of any track.
- Previous Edit Point
- Moves the playhead to the previous edit point of any track.
- Marker
- Set In Point
- Sets an in point at the playhead in the selected panel.
- Set Out Point
- Sets an out point at the playhead in the selected panel.
- Add Marker
- Press once to add a marker, and twice to edit it.
- Clear In
- Clears the set in point.
- Clear Out
- Clears the set out point.
- Clear In and Out
- Clear both the set in and out point.
- Clear All Markers
- Clears all markers on the timeline.
- Lift
- Copy timeline between in and out point to clipboard and remove the selected portion from the timeline, leaving a hole in the timeline.
- Extract
- Copy timeline between in and out point to clipboard and remove the selected portion from the timeline, closing up the hole in the timeline.
- Next Marker
- Go to the next marker.
- Previous Marker
- Go to the previous marker.
- Set In Point
- Editing Tools
- Selection
- This changes the mouse into a mouse selection tool.
- Track Select Forward
- This changes the mouse into a track select forward tool.
- Track Select Backward
- This changes the mouse into a track select backward tool.
- Ripple Edit
- This changes the mouse into a ripple edit tool.
- Rolling Edit
- This changes the mouse into a rolling edit tool.
- Rate Stretch
- This changes the mouse into a rate stretch tool.
- Razor
- This changes the mouse into a razor tool.
- Slip
- This changes the mouse into a slip tool.
- Slide
- This changes the mouse into a slide tool.
- Pen
- This changes the mouse into a pen tool.
- Hand
- This changes the mouse into a hand tool.
- Zoom
- This changes the mouse into a zoom tool.
- Selection
- Select Edit Point
- Turn dial to go to the previous or next edit point of the targeted tracks.
- Select Any Edit Point
- Turn dial to go to the previous or next edit point of any targeted track.
- Razor All Tracks
- Razors/cuts all tracks at the playhead.
- Ripple Delete
- Track Control
- Lock Audio Tracks
- Locks/Unlocks all audio tracks. Ensure the timeline panel is selected.
- Lock Video Tracks
- Locks/Unlocks all video tracks. Ensure the timeline panel is selected.
- Select Next Track
- Selects all the clips of the track below.
- Select Previous Track
- Selects all the clips of the track above.
- Set Playhead To Selected Clip
- Sync Lock Selected Track
- Sync locks the track that has a clip selected.
- Hide Selected Video Track
- Hides the video track that has a clip selected.
- Select Track
- Rotate dial left to select all of the clips of the track above and right to select all the clips of the track below.
- Lock Audio Tracks
- Clip Control
- Make Subclip
- Make a subclip of the selected source clip using the In Point and Out Point markers. If the markers are not set in the source monitor, then the entire source clip is re-created into a new subclip.
- Next Clip
- Moves the playhead and selection to the next clip in the current track.
- Previous Clip
- Moves the playhead and selection to the previous clip in the current track.
- Link/Unlink Clips
- Links selected clips together if they are all from different tracks.
- Group Clips
- Groups the selected clips together.
- Ungroup Clips
- Ungroups the selected clips.
- Nest Clips
- Nests selected clips together. Creates a nested sequence for selected clips.
- Speed/Duration
- Nudge Clip Up
- Nudges the selected clips up one track.
- Nudge Clip Down
- Nudges the selected clips down one track.
- Nudge Clip Left (1 Frame)
- Nudges the selected clips left one frame.
- Nudge Clip Left (5 Frames)
- Nudges the selected clips left five frames.
- Nudge Clip Right (1 Frame)
- Nudges the selected clips right one frame.
- Nudge Clip Right (5 Frames)
- Nudges the selected clips right five frames.
- Increase Clip Volume
- Increase the clip volume level.
- Decrease Clip Volume
- Decrease the clip volume level.
- Increase Clip Volume Many
- Increase the clip volume level by many.
- Decrease Clip Volume Many
- Decrease the clip volume level by many.
- Select Clip
- Turn dial right/left to move the playhead and selection to the next/previous clip.
- Nudge Clip
- Moves the selected clip (left and right) by 1 frame in the timeline panel. Click the dial and turn to nudge the frame by 5 frames in the timeline panel.
- Reverse Clips
- Reverses all selected clips. Please note that still clips cannot be reversed in Premiere Pro.
- Snap To Next Clip
- Moves the selected clips so that they touch the closest next clip. Useful if there are gaps between clips.Will not work if timecode is set to feet+frames. Transitions of the moved clips will be lost.
- Snap To Previous Clip
- Moves the selected clips so that they touch the closest previous clip. Useful if there are gaps between clips. Will not work if timecode is set to feet+frames. Transitions of the moved clips will be lost.
- Select Top Clip
- Select the top most clip that the playhead is on.
- Snap Clips
- Rotate dial left to move selected clips so that they touch the end of the closest previous clip. Rotate dial right to move clips so they touch the start of the closest next clip.
- Make Subclip
- Basic Editing
- Select All
- Select all items within the currently selected panel.
- Deselect All
- Deselects any selected items within the currently selected panel.
- Undo
- Undo the last action that was taken.
- Redo
- Redo last action that was taken.
- Copy
- Copy selected clips from sequence and put them into your clipboard.
- Cut
- Cut the selected clip's from the sequence and put them into your clipboard.
- Paste
- Paste copied clip into the sequence at the playhead.
- Paste Attributes
- Paste a copied clip's attribute to the currently selected clip.
- Paste Insert
- Insert any pasted clips into the sequence at the playhead.
- Insert
- Inserts an item at the playhead.
- Snap
- Toggles snapping for the timeline.
- Select All
- Playback/Navigation
- Timeline
- Zoom to Sequence
- Toggles between viewing entire timeline or zoomed in timeline.
- Zoom In on Timeline
- Zooms in on the timeline whose panel is selected.
- Zoom Out on Timeline
- Zooms out on the timeline whose panel is selected.
- Increase Video Track Height
- Acts as a vertical zoom in on the timeline for video tracks. Need to select the timeline panel.
- Decrease Video Track Height
- Acts as a vertical zoom out on the timeline for video tracks. Need to select the timeline panel.
- Increase Audio Track Height
- Acts as a vertical zoom in on the timeline for audio tracks. Need to select the timeline panel.
- Decrease Audio Track Height
- Acts as a vertical zoom out on the timeline for audio tracks. Need to select the timeline panel.
- Minimize All Tracks
- Minimize all tracks. Need to select the timeline panel.
- Expand All Tracks
- Expand all tracks. Need to select the timeline panel.
- Zoom In/Out on Timeline
- Zooms in (dial right turn) or zooms out (dial left turn) on the playhead in the timeline.
- Change Video Track Height
- Acts as a vertical zoom on the timeline for video tracks. Press minimize all tracks. Timeline needs to be selected.
- Change Audio Track Height
- Acts as a vertical zoom on the timeline for audio tracks. Press to minimize all tracks. Timeline needs to be selected.
- Zoom to Sequence
- Panel
- Maximize/Minimize Panel
- Maximizes or minimizes the selected panel.
- Maximize/Minimize Hovered Panel
- Maximizes or minimizes the panel that the mouse is on.
- Next Panel
- Selects the next panel.
- Previous Panel
- Selects the previous panel.
- Lumetri Panel
- Selects or opens the Lumetri panel.
- Timelines Panel
- Selects or opens the Timelines panel.
- Effect Control Panel
- Selects or opens the Effect Control panel.
- Program Monitor Panel
- Selects or opens the Program Monitor panel. Once selected, click to toggle through the various tabs within the panel.
- Source Monitor Panel
- Selects or opens the Source Monitor panel. Once selected, click to toggle through the various sources.
- Audio Clip Mixer Panel
- Selects or opens the Audio Clip Mixer panel.
- Audio Track Mixer Panel
- Selects or opens the Audio Track Mixer panel. Once selected, click to toggle through the various tabs within the panel.
- Effects Panel
- Selects or opens the Effects panel.
- Media Browser Panel
- Selects or opens the Media Browser panel.
- Projects Panel
- Selects or opens the Projects (Bin) panel.
- Loop
- Press to continuously repeat playback of a clip or sequence in the Program panel.
- Cycle Panels
- Cycle through the panels.
- Maximize/Minimize Panel
- Toggle Selection Follows Playhead
- Toggle the option for selection to follow the playhead.
- Play/Stop
- Toggles between playing or stopping video playback.
- Shuttle Left
- Moves the playhead to the left. Press the button again to speed up the playhead.
- Shuttle Right
- Moves the playhead to the right. Press the button again to speed up the playhead.
- Shuttle Left Slow
- Moves the playhead slowly to the left. Press the button again to speed up the playhead.
- Shuttle Right Slow
- Moves the playhead slowly to the right. Press the button again to speed up the playhead.
- Zoom In On Player
- Zooms in on the program monitor view. Make sure to click the Program Monitor (Player) panel first.
- Zoom Out On Player
- Zooms out on the program monitor view. Make sure to click the Program Monitor (Player) panel first.
- Play In to Out
- Shuttle
- Dial: Turn to shuttle the play head left and right, press to stop. Slider: Move left or right to shuttle at increasing speeds in either direction, move back to the middle to stop.
- Playhead
- This moves the playhead frame by frame in the selected monitor. Press down and turn to jump through multiple frames. Press to toggle playback.
- Jog
- Turn the dial to move through the timeline frame-by-frame. Press and turn to sprint through.
- Jog / Toggle Audio Keyframe
- Turn the dial to move through the timeline frame-by-frame. Press to add or remove an audio keyframe.
- Jog / Toggle Video Keyframe
- Turn the dial to move through the timeline frame-by-frame. Press to add or remove a video keyframe.
- Timeline
- Workspace
- Workspace 1
- Switches workspace to Workspace 1. Try setting a custom name to quickly detmerine which Workspace this is.
- Workspace 2
- Switches workspace to Workspace 2. Try setting a custom name to quickly detmerine which Workspace this is.
- Workspace 3
- Switches workspace to Workspace 3. Try setting a custom name to quickly detmerine which Workspace this is.
- Workspace 4
- Switches workspace to Workspace 4. Try setting a custom name to quickly detmerine which Workspace this is.
- Workspace 5
- Switches workspace to Workspace 5. Try setting a custom name to quickly detmerine which Workspace this is.
- Workspace 6
- Switches workspace to Workspace 6. Try setting a custom name to quickly detmerine which Workspace this is.
- Workspace 7
- Switches workspace to Workspace 7. Try setting a custom name to quickly detmerine which Workspace this is.
- Workspace 8
- Switches workspace to Workspace 8. Try setting a custom name to quickly detmerine which Workspace this is.
- Workspace 9
- Switches workspace to Workspace 9. Try setting a custom name to quickly detmerine which Workspace this is.
- Workspace 1
- Audio Mixer
- Toggle Mixer Control Mode
- Toggles mixer control between the Clip Mixer Mode and Track Mixer Mode.
- Next Track
- Makes the next audio track the Active Track. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Previous Track
- Makes the previous audio track the Active Track. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Select Master Track
- Cycle Automation Modes
- Auto Mode Active Track
- Cycles through the automation modes (Off, Read, Write, Touch, Latch) of the Active Track. The Master Track is currently not supported.
- Auto Mode A1 Track
- Cycles through the automation modes (Off, Read, Write, Touch, Latch) of the Audio 1 Track.
- Auto Mode A2 Track
- Cycles through the automation modes (Off, Read, Write, Touch, Latch) of the Audio 2 Track.
- Auto Mode A3 Track
- Cycles through the automation modes (Off, Read, Write, Touch, Latch) of the Audio 3 Track.
- Auto Mode A4 Track
- Cycles through the automation modes (Off, Read, Write, Touch, Latch) of the Audio 4 Track.
- Auto Mode A5 Track
- Cycles through the automation modes (Off, Read, Write, Touch, Latch) of the Audio 5 Track.
- Auto Mode A6 Track
- Cycles through the automation modes (Off, Read, Write, Touch, Latch) of the Audio 6 Track.
- Auto Mode A7 Track
- Cycles through the automation modes (Off, Read, Write, Touch, Latch) of the Audio 7 Track.
- Auto Mode A8 Track
- Cycles through the automation modes (Off, Read, Write, Touch, Latch) of the Audio 8 Track.
- Auto Mode A9 Track
- Cycles through the automation modes (Off, Read, Write, Touch, Latch) of the Audio 9 Track.
- Auto Mode A10 Track
- Cycles through the automation modes (Off, Read, Write, Touch, Latch) of the Audio 10 Track.
- Auto Mode A11 Track
- Cycles through the automation modes (Off, Read, Write, Touch, Latch) of the Audio 11 Track.
- Auto Mode A12 Track
- Cycles through the automation modes (Off, Read, Write, Touch, Latch) of the Audio 12 Track.
- Auto Mode Active Track
- Toggle Mute
- Mute Active Track
- Toggles Mute for the Active Track.
- Mute Master Track
- Toggles Mute for the Master Track.
- Mute A1 Track
- Toggles Mute for the Audio 1 Track.
- Mute A2 Track
- Toggles Mute for the Audio 2 Track.
- Mute A3 Track
- Toggles Mute for the Audio 3 Track.
- Mute A4 Track
- Toggles Mute for the Audio 4 Track.
- Mute A5 Track
- Toggles Mute for the Audio 5 Track.
- Mute A6 Track
- Toggles Mute for the Audio 6 Track.
- Mute A7 Track
- Toggles Mute for the Audio 7 Track.
- Mute A8 Track
- Toggles Mute for the Audio 8 Track.
- Mute A9 Track
- Toggles Mute for the Audio 9 Track.
- Mute A10 Track
- Toggles Mute for the Audio 10 Track.
- Mute A11 Track
- Toggles Mute for the Audio 11 Track.
- Mute A12 Track
- Toggles Mute for the Audio 12 Track.
- Mute Active Track
- Toggle Solo
- Solo Active Track
- Toggles Solo for the Active Track.
- Solo Master Track
- Toggles Solo for the Master Track.
- Solo A1 Track
- Toggles Solo for the Audio 1 Track.
- Solo A2 Track
- Toggles Solo for the Audio 2 Track.
- Solo A3 Track
- Toggles Solo for the Audio 3 Track.
- Solo A4 Track
- Toggles Solo for the Audio 4 Track.
- Solo A5 Track
- Toggles Solo for the Audio 5 Track.
- Solo A6 Track
- Toggles Solo for the Audio 6 Track.
- Solo A7 Track
- Toggles Solo for the Audio 7 Track.
- Solo A8 Track
- Toggles Solo for the Audio 8 Track.
- Solo A9 Track
- Toggles Solo for the Audio 9 Track.
- Solo A10 Track
- Toggles Solo for the Audio 10 Track.
- Solo A11 Track
- Toggles Solo for the Audio 11 Track.
- Solo A12 Track
- Toggles Solo for the Audio 12 Track.
- Solo Active Track
- Toggle Record
- Record Active Track
- Toggles Record for the Active Track.
- Record A1 Track
- Toggles Record for the Audio 1 Track.
- Record A2 Track
- Toggles Record for the Audio 2 Track.
- Record A3 Track
- Toggles Record for the Audio 3 Track.
- Record A4 Track
- Toggles Record for the Audio 4 Track.
- Record A5 Track
- Toggles Record for the Audio 5 Track.
- Record A6 Track
- Toggles Record for the Audio 6 Track.
- Record A7 Track
- Toggles Record for the Audio 7 Track.
- Record A8 Track
- Toggles Record for the Audio 8 Track.
- Record A9 Track
- Toggles Record for the Audio 9 Track.
- Record A10 Track
- Toggles Record for the Audio 10 Track.
- Record A11 Track
- Toggles Record for the Audio 11 Track.
- Record A12 Track
- Toggles Record for the Audio 12 Track.
- Record Active Track
- Toggle Pan
- Toggle Pan Active Track
- Toggles the stereo pan between left, middle, and right for the Active Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Toggle Pan A1 Track
- Toggles the stereo pan between left, middle, and right for Audio 1 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Toggle Pan A2 Track
- Toggles the stereo pan between left, middle, and right for Audio 2 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Toggle Pan A3 Track
- Toggles the stereo pan between left, middle, and right for Audio 3 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Toggle Pan A4 Track
- Toggles the stereo pan between left, middle, and right for Audio 4 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Toggle Pan A5 Track
- Toggles the stereo pan between left, middle, and right for Audio 5 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Toggle Pan A6 Track
- Toggles the stereo pan between left, middle, and right for Audio 6 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Toggle Pan A7 Track
- Toggles the stereo pan between left, middle, and right for Audio 7 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Toggle Pan A8 Track
- Toggles the stereo pan between left, middle, and right for Audio 8 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Toggle Pan A9 Track
- Toggles the stereo pan between left, middle, and right for Audio 9 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Toggle Pan A10 Track
- Toggles the stereo pan between left, middle, and right for Audio 10 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Toggle Pan A11 Track
- Toggles the stereo pan between left, middle, and right for Audio 11 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Toggle Pan A12 Track
- Toggles the stereo pan between left, middle, and right for Audio 12 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Toggle Pan Active Track
- Cycle Active Track
- Cycles the Active Track based on the direction the dial is turned. Press the dial down to jump to the Master Track. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Volume
- Active Track Volume
- Changes the volume of the Active Track. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Master Track Volume
- Changes the volume of the Master Track. Only works when the current Mixer Control Mode is set to Track Mixer Mode.
- A1 Track Volume
- Changes the volume of the Audio 1 Track. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- A2 Track Volume
- Changes the volume of the Audio 2 Track. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- A3 Track Volume
- Changes the volume of the Audio 3 Track. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- A4 Track Volume
- Changes the volume of the Audio 4 Track. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- A5 Track Volume
- Changes the volume of the Audio 5 Track. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- A6 Track Volume
- Changes the volume of the Audio 6 Track. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- A7 Track Volume
- Changes the volume of the Audio 7 Track. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- A8 Track Volume
- Changes the volume of the Audio 8 Track. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- A9 Track Volume
- Changes the volume of the Audio 9 Track. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- A10 Track Volume
- Changes the volume of the Audio 10 Track. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- A11 Track Volume
- Changes the volume of the Audio 11 Track. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- A12 Track Volume
- Changes the volume of the Audio 12 Track. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Active Track Volume
- Pan
- Pan Active Track
- Changes the stereo pan for the Active Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Pan A1 Track
- Changes the stereo pan for the Audio 1 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Pan A2 Track
- Changes the stereo pan for the Audio 2 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Pan A3 Track
- Changes the stereo pan for the Audio 3 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Pan A4 Track
- Changes the stereo pan for the Audio 4 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Pan A5 Track
- Changes the stereo pan for the Audio 5 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Pan A6 Track
- Changes the stereo pan for the Audio 6 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Pan A7 Track
- Changes the stereo pan for the Audio 7 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Pan A8 Track
- Changes the stereo pan for the Audio 8 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Pan A9 Track
- Changes the stereo pan for the Audio 9 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Pan A10 Track
- Changes the stereo pan for the Audio 10 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Pan A11 Track
- Changes the stereo pan for the Audio 11 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Pan A12 Track
- Changes the stereo pan for the Audio 12 Track. Make sure to deselect all clips and to play the program monitor to see live changes. Set a button to Toggle Mixer Control Mode to switch between the track and clip mixer.
- Pan Active Track
- Toggle Mixer Control Mode
- Project
- New Project
- Create a new project.
- New Sequence
- Create a new sequence.
- Import
- Import a media file.
- Export
- Exports project.
- Save As
- Close Project
- Closes project.
- New Bin
- Creates a new bin. The Project panel or Bin panel must be selected.
- New Project
- Add Color Matte
- Adds a solid colored clip to the project panel.
- Opacity
- Opacity
- Changes the opacity of the selected clip. Keyframing is on by default in Premiere Pro.
- Opacity
- Motion
- Position X
- Changes the horizontal position of the selected clip.
- Position Y
- Changes the vertical position of the selected clip.
- Scale
- When Uniform Scale is unchecked, this updates Scale Height instead.
- Scale Width
- Alters the scale width of the selected clip. Only works if 'Uniform Scaling' is disabled.
- Rotation
- Rotates the selected clip about the anchor point.
- Anchor Point X
- Changes the anchor point's horizontal position.
- Anchor Point Y
- Changes the anchor point's vertical position.
- Anti-flicker Filter
- Adjusts the anti-flicker filter.
- Position X
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